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Hydreion. 에베소(Ephesus) 본문


Hydreion. 에베소(Ephesus)

세계속으로 2011. 7. 26. 10:15

Hydreion. 에베소(Ephesus). 터키(Turkey)








The fountain installation occupied a small area in the region of the intersection of the Curetes Street & the so-called Terrace House Street. An elongated rectangular basin is preserved, as well as a water basin, located high up, & flanked by statues in a semi-circular niche. The building inscription names T. Flavius Meander as founder & dates the fountain to the Severan period (ca. 200 A.D.). Reused building elements, however, indicate that there was an earlier monument in this location, dating to the early Imperial period. In late antiquity, statues of the Tetrarchs were erected in front of the Hydreion.



<Reconstruction of the fountain installation>



<The Hydreion during excavation>


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