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The South Gate of The Agora. 에베소(Ephesus) 본문


The South Gate of The Agora. 에베소(Ephesus)

세계속으로 2011. 7. 26. 11:00

The South Gate of The Agora. 에베소(Ephesus). 터키(Turkey)




                                                                  The South Gate of The Agora














The richly ornamented gate was financed by the imperial freedom Mazaeus & Mithridates in 2 B.C. The refined articulation of the southern facade with alternating projecting & re-entrant elements, as well as the use of arches & beams, was repeated in the original side wings of the building. Statues of the imperial family stood on the inscribed attic zone. The unadorned northern side was connected to the Agora Hall.

The re-erection of the gate (1982-1988) was made possible by Anton Kallinger-Prskawetz.

- 안내문에서 -



<Reconstructed original ground plan from the Augustan period

(ground & upper floors)>



<Former view from the southeast>