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셀수스 도서관(Celsus Library)(동영상). The Library of Celsus. 에베소(Ephesus) 본문


셀수스 도서관(Celsus Library)(동영상). The Library of Celsus. 에베소(Ephesus)

세계속으로 2011. 7. 26. 11:00

셀수스 도서관(Celsus Library)(동영상).

에베소(Ephesus). 터키(Turkey)



셀수스 도서관 내부


C. Julius had this library built in honour of his father C. Celsus. the General Governor of the Province of Asia, in th year 135 A.D. You climb up to the salon of the library by nine stairs. Here, there used to be four statues symbolizing Justice, Virtue, etc. The niches in the walls were used for books. In front of the niches there were low Inonian pillars made into the shape of a table. The inscription at the northern end of the library in Latin & another inscription at the southern end in Greek, are about Celsus & his son. Aquila. The grave of Celsus is at the back. You can go to the grave after you climb down the stairs on the right-hand side, passing through a winding narrow corridor of 15 m. You will see a beatiful sarcophagus made of white marble, with a length of 2.5 m. The face of this sarcophagus is adorned with sculptures of snakes together with sculptures of Eros. Nike & Medusa. Under the stairs leading to Marble Street, is a newly discovered sarcophagus belonging to the Byzantine period. A lead plate at the bottom, on which the corpse lay, was found.

The library which stands in a restored state at the end of the Curetes Street is one of the well-konwn buildings of Ephesus. Between 105 & 107 Tiberius Julius Celsus Polemaeanus was for one year the governor of the province of Asia in Ephesus. After his death his son Tiberius Julius Aquila built the library as a monumental tomb for his father. Celsus' tomb which is extremely beatiful lies in the narrow tomb chamber below the west wall. The construction was thought to be completed towards the 120s.

The Library of Celsus was destroyed in an earthquake in the 10th century; it was revealed by the excavations of the Austrian Institute of Archaeology in 1904 & was restored between 1970 & 1978.

As the library was built later than the Gate of Mazeus & Mithradates on the left & the structure believed to be an altar on the right, an architecture to cause visual aberration was applied to avoid the library's looking squeezed in between the already existing two buildings. For example, the podium which is reached by a number of steps is arched like a bow with a difference of 15 cm between the middle point & the edge. In the same way, the columns in the middle were built higher than the ones at the sides, thus trying to make the building look larger than it was. The statues in the niches of the facade wall were found in the excava-base with inscriptions are listed the regions of the province of Asia of which Celsus was the governor, emphasizing that Celsus was an important personality. In the excavations of 1904 a fountain niche was found adjacent to the podium of the library. Furthermore, the frieze relating to the famous Parthian wars, in the present day on display in Vienna, was discovered arranged on either side of the fountain niche. This frieze is believed to belong to an altar which stood where the ruins are on the left. The sarcophagus directly facing the library was discovered in an excavation carried out here by the museum. According to the inscription on it the sarcophagus belonged to a person called Dionysios.


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