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The Temple of Domitian. 에베소(Ephesus) 본문


The Temple of Domitian. 에베소(Ephesus)

세계속으로 2011. 7. 26. 10:05

The Temple of Domitian. 에베소(Ephesus). 터키(Turkey)








The temple & altar served the Imperial cult & were didicated to Emperor Domitian (A.D. 81-96); after his death & condemnation of his memory (damnatio memoriae), however, they were dedicated to the Flavian family. The temple, with its 8 × 13 columns constructed upon a six-stepped substructure (24 × 34 m), was erected on a terrace supported by mighty buttresses. After the victory of Christianity it was torn down to its foundations & today it has almost completely disappeared.

- 안내문에서 -





<Reconstruction of the Temple of Domitian>


<The Terrace of Domitian>


<Architectural reconstruction trial of the Temple of Domitian>


<Colossal head of Emperor Titus (Ephesos Museum, Selcuk)>