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Pollio Monument & Fountain of Domitian. 에베소(Ephesus) 본문


Pollio Monument & Fountain of Domitian. 에베소(Ephesus)

세계속으로 2011. 7. 26. 10:00

Pollio Monument & Fountain of Domitian.

에베소(Ephesus). 터키(Turkey)






The 8 × 6.5 m large & 6.4 m tall socle is the remainder of an honorific burial, which was erected in the 1st half of the 1st century A.D. in memory of Gaius Sextilius Pollio by his stepson, on land provided by the city for that purpose: in this manner, the city commemorated the donor both of the Basilica at the State Agora & of an aqueduct.

To the South of the Pollio Monument the Fountain of Domitian was constructed 92/93 A.D.; its grand apse opened onto the Domitian Square. Tendril-entwined pillars carried the arches, which are presently indicated by a concrete-marble composition. A group statue depicting the adventures of Odysseus with Polyphemus stood in the niche. The former Pollio Monument was incorporated into this new construction, & the architectural screen thereby created was decorated with statues.





<Excavation of the Pollio Monument & the Fountain of Domitian (1958)


<The Pollio Monument & the Fountain of Domitian from the west>


<The polyphemus group form the Fountain of Domitian

(Ephesus Museum,Selcuk)>

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