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Hierapolis of Phrygia. 파묵칼레(Pamukkale) 본문


Hierapolis of Phrygia. 파묵칼레(Pamukkale)

세계속으로 2011. 7. 26. 16:33

Hierapolis of Phrygia. 파묵칼레(Pamukkale). 터키(Turkey)

The Italian Archaeological Mission was founded by prof. Paolo Verzone in 1957, Turin Polytechnic.

Since 2000 it is directed by prof. Francesco D'Andria. Lecce University.

The mission works with a programme of collaboration between the Italian Government (Ministry of Foreign Affairs) & the Republic of Turkey (General Direction of Cultural Heritage & the Museum of Turkey)

Research & conservation in funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the M.I.U.R. (Ministry of Education of the University & of Research) & the National Research Council (CNR).


Fowa. Turin

FIAT S.p.A of istanbul, Koc Foundation.

Komurcuoglu Mermer firm of Denizli.


_ Itinerary A : Frontinus Gate - Theatre

_ Itinerary B : Temple of Apollo - Martyrion of St. Philip

   Archaeosismological itinerary


     1. Northern necropolis

     2. Baths-Basilica

     3. Frontinus Gate

     4. Latrine

     5. Agora

     6. Byzantine Gate.

     7. Nymphaeum of the Tritons

     8. Cathedral Church

     9. Temple Nymphaeum

    10. Temple of Apollo.

    11. House of Ionic Capitals

    12. Theatre

    13. Martyrion of St. Philip

    14. Museum - Baths

    15. Medieval Castle.



The Southern Byzantine Gate

(Beginning of the 5th century AD)

Built of travertine blocks & reused masonry, some in marble, & flanked by two square towers. Like the North Byzantine Gate, it is characterised by a large arch resting on a monolithic architrave. However, the actual height of the door is somewhat lower than its northern twin. Recent work has led to the removal of collapsed masonry & has reconstructed ample portions of the wall.