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성소피아성당(Ayasofya. Hagia Sophia)(안내문-1) 이스탄불(Istanbul) 본문


성소피아성당(Ayasofya. Hagia Sophia)(안내문-1) 이스탄불(Istanbul)

세계속으로 2011. 7. 29. 10:00

성소피아성당(Ayasofya. Hagia Sophia)(안내문-1).

이스탄불(Istanbul). 터키(Turkey)


Hagia Sophia of Theodosius. was burned down in the fire of Nike Revolt in 532 A.D. during the reign of Justinian. The same year Justinian ordered to build a new basilica. the one we can see today & only five years later. 537 A.D.. It was opened to public. The architects of this new basilica was Isidorusfrom Miletus (Soke) & Anthemious from Tralles (Aydin). In the year 1453, wiht the conquest of Istanbul. Sultan Mehmed the Conqueror converted the church into a mosque. To strenghten up the building during the Turkish period architect Sinan did significant work in Hagia Sophia. During the reign of Sultan Abdulmecid (1839-1861) de Fossati brothers made various restorations in building. Hagia Sophia the legacy of both Christian & Muslim culture was opened for visits as a Museum according to the order of Ataturk & he decision of the Turkish Assembly of Minister on 1st of February 1935. The Hagia Sophia museum was included in the 1st of UNESCO World's heritage. The activitie of the museum are supervised & supported by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Turkey.



Brothers Gaspare & Guiseppe Fossati, who were appointed by Sultan Abdulmedjid in 1847, conducted substantial maintenance work in Ayasofya. They cleaned & conserved the mosaics & documented them with drawings before replastering them. The sultan manifested a deep interest in the work & followed the daily progress of the restoration.


<Sultan Abdumedjid (1839-1861)>


<Portrait of Gaspare Fossati>


<The Hagia Sophia. Ayasofya>


<Southwestern vestibule>


<View looking towards the Sultan's Lodge>


<The Hagia Sophia during its restoration, interior view looking towards east.>


<The south gallery of the Hagia Sophia>


<The Hagia Sophia seen from the east>


From 1931 until 1950 Thomas Whittemore, the founder of the American Byzantine Institute, undertook the meticulous labour of uncovering & conserving most of the mosaic panels that are exposed today.



 <Pentecoste vault from southern gallery>


 <Angel on the southeastern pendentive>


 <Six patriarch panels of the northern tympanum>


 <Six patriarch panels of the southern tympanum>


 <Mosaics on the eastern main arch & in the apsis.>


<The Deesis panel in the southern gallery>


In spite of intensive cleaning & conservation, some mosaic panels are still concealed under the plaster.




<Scaffolding before the "Presentation" mosaic in the southwest vestibule.

Uncovering of the "Presentation" mosaic.>


<Uncovering of the mosaic of Ignatios the Younger>


<Uncovering of the patriarchs of the northern tympanum>



A number of archaeological excavations have been carried out in the past decades. A.M. Schneider from the German Archaeological Institute in Istanbul conducted excavations near the western entrance to the building. The investigation revealed the remains of the porticus of the Theodosian Hagia Sophia. Other excavations were carried out by several directors of the museum; Feridun Dirimtekin conducted research within the building & Sabahattin Turkoglu in the skeuophylakion (Treasury) of the Hagia Sophia.



<Excavation of the Skeuophylakion>




<Plans & cross section of the skeuophylakion>



<View from the sondages & excavations carried out within the Hagia Sophia>


<View of the Prophylaion of the Theodosian Hagia Sophia after the excavation

Architectural fragments from the Propylaion of the Theodosian Hagia Sophia>


On the 24th of November 1934, following a proposal by Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, Preisent of Turkey, the Turkish Government declared the secularization of the mosque of Ayasofya.

The monument was trasformed into a museum on the 1st February in 1935. Scientific investigations at Ayasofya have acceleratd since then.



<Hagia Sophia Museum, the most frequently visited monument in Turkey>


<M. Kemal Ataturk>




<Decree of the Turkish Government proclaiming the transformation of the Hagia Sophia Mosque into a museum>



After the surrender of Constantinople, Sultan Mehmet the Conquerer claimed the Hagia Sophia for the Islamic cult. The first Friday prayer in Hagia Sophia was performed on the 1st. of June in 1453.

Changes & additions, necessitated by Islamic rite, were hastily undertaken.


<Sultan Mahmut I (1730-1754)>


<View of the Hagia Sophia with the mausoleum of Sultan Selim II seen from southeast>


<The Hagia Sophia seen from northwest>


<The Sultan Murat III. in front of the Hagia Sophia>

<Interior view of the Hagia Sophia looking towards east (After Grelot)>


<Interior view of the Hagia Sophia looking towards north>


<The Hagia Sophia seen from the south>


<Plan of the Hagia Sophia & a view seen from the northwest (After Grelot)>


<Architect Sinan's prop against western elevation of the Hagia Sophia>



정사각형의 평면 위에 돔(dome)을 설치할 때 돔 바닥 네귀에 쌓아 올리는 구면(球面)의 삼각형 부분

Pendentive를 사용한 가장 오래되고, 가장 큰 건축물은 터키 이스탄불에 있는 성소피아 사원(537년 완공)을 들수 있으며, 프랑스의 페리괴의 생프롱 대성당 (1120년 착공), 앙굴렘의 생피에르 대성당(1105-1128년) 에서 볼수 있다 한다.


출처 : Encyclopaedia Britannica, lnc.