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성소피아성당(Ayasofya. Hagia Sophia)(안내문-2) 이스탄불(Istanbul) 본문


성소피아성당(Ayasofya. Hagia Sophia)(안내문-2) 이스탄불(Istanbul)

세계속으로 2011. 7. 29. 10:01

성소피아성당(Ayasofya. Hagia Sophia)(안내문-2)

이스탄불(Istanbul). 터키(Turkey)


UNESCO. 세계문화유산


After the surrender of Constantinople, Sultan Mehmet the Conquerer claimed the Hagia Sophia for the Islamic cult. The first Friday prayer in Hagia Sophia was performed on the 1st. of June in 1453.

Changes & addition, necessitated by Islamic rite, were hastily undertaken.


<Sultan Mehmet, the conqueror (1451-1481)>


<Ayasofya Camii>


<The Hagia Sophia & the Hippodrome>

<The Hagia Sophia & the equestrian statue of Justinianus>


The church covers an area of 7000 square meters. The dome is 56.6 m. high & has a diameter of 32.5 m. Marble & other stones for the construction were acquired from quarries of the ancient world or retrieved from archaeological sites. Apart from the congregational services the crownings of a number of emperors were also performed here.


<Longitudinal cross section of the Hagia Sophia looking towards south>


<A view of the vaults>


<A cross section through the apsis>


<A cross sectional isometric view of the Hagia Sophia>


<Richard the Lion Hearted, in Hagia Sophia>


On the 27th of December in 537 the dedication of the monument was cerebrated in the presence of Emperor Justinian. The lofty & wide spanned dome symbolized the Cosmos, & the monument was considered as the most awe inspiring church of the Christian world



<Emperor Justininaus I (A.D. 527-565) & model of the Justinian's Hagia Sophia, details from the mosaic panel of "presentation" in the southwest vestibule, end of 10th C>


<Western elevation of the Hagia Sophia;

interior elevation looking towards west>


<A reconstruction drawing of the Justinianic Hagia Sophia>


<A reconstruction drawing of the western elevation of the Hagia Sophia>


<Capital with the monogram of Justinianus>


The literary sources provide little information about the first Hagia Sophia (called Megale Ekklesia at the time). It had a basilical plan & a timber roof & was consecrated in 360, during the reign of Emperor Constantius. A fire, started during the riots in 404, burnt down the building. The renewal of the church was accomplished by Theodosius II. The dedication took place on the 10th of October in 415.


<Emperor Constantine the Great (A.D. 306-337)


<Hypothetical plan of the first Hagia Sophia>


<Hypothetical view of the first Hagia Sophia>


<Emperor Constantius II. (A.D. 337-361)>


<Reconstruction drawing of the propylaion of the second Hagia Sophia>


<Emperor Theodosius II. (A.D. 408-450)>


<A view of the treasury, skeuophylakion, of the second Hagia Sophia>


<Hypothetical plan of the second Hagia Sophia>


In 330 Constantinopolis was proclaimed as the new capital of the Roman Empire. The loss of the western parts of the Roman world made Constantinople the unrivaled capital of the empire, now restricted to the lands around the eastern Mediterranean Sea.





    <Byzantine World>



The Hagia Sophia

The Hagia Sophia, or megale ekklesia as it was called then, was first decicated in the reign of Constantius II (337-361), however, some chronicles attribute its foundation to Constantine the Great (306-337). Littleis known about this early monument, but a basilical plan with a timber roof may be surmised.  

A riot in 404 destroyed the monument, but its reconsecration took place in 415 during the reign of Theodosius II (408-450). Remains of its monumental entrance porticus lie today at ca. two meters below the level of the present Hagia Sophia. THey were uncovered by the excavations of 1935; bases of six columns & steps to a lower level are preserved in situ. Two entrances to the church are at their original positions, & a third may be assumed on the symmetrical south side. Architectural pieces of marble columns, parts of entablature & roof cornice, including a frieze of lambs symbolizing the Apostles, were also recovered during the same excavation. They enabled a reconstruction drawing, displaying the original state of the porticus.
As a result of the Nika Riot (532), the second Hagia Sophia was also burnt down. Immediately the grand scaled construction of the new building started by the orders of Justinianus I (527-565). According to the court historian Procopius, Anthemios from Tralles & Isidorus from from Milet were the leading master archietects responsible for the design & construction of the monument, but under strict surveillance of the Emperor himself.

Splendid building mastrials & architectural pieces were quarried from ancient sites all around the Roman World & sent to Constantinople by the orders of Justinianus. Paulus Silentiarius names many ancient Iocalities in Syria, Egypt, & Anatolia from which materials were brought & used in the construction of the Hagia Sophia. The church was rededicated on December 27th, 537. The

actual time lapse for the rebuilding was less than six years, an incredibly short period of 5 years, 10 months & 24 days.