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The Octagon. 에베소(Ephesus) 본문


The Octagon. 에베소(Ephesus)

세계속으로 2011. 7. 26. 10:41

The Octagon. 에베소(Ephesus). 터키(Turkey)


<3D representation of the Octagon>


The 9 m long, square podium contains a burial chamber in which a young woman was buried in a marble sarcophagus.

Above this podium rose an octagonal stepped substructure supporting an octagonal construction with a cella surrounded by Corinthian columns. A sphere crowned the pyramidal stepped roof. The occupier of the grave was probably Arsinoe IV, youngest sister of Cleopatra & murdered in Ephesos. The architectural decoration dates the building to the time of Emperor Augustus (27 B.C. - A.D. 14).

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<The Octagon during excavation>


<Reconstructed section with the burial chamber>