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The 'Rhodian Peristyle' & The Prytaneum. 에베소(Ephesus) 본문


The 'Rhodian Peristyle' & The Prytaneum. 에베소(Ephesus)

세계속으로 2011. 7. 26. 09:59

The 'Rhodian Peristyle' & The Prytaneum.

에베소(Ephesus). 터키(Turkey)










The courtyard (33 × 28 m), lying to the west of the Bouleuterion & enclosed on all three sides corresponds to the type of the 'Rhodian Peristyle' with its elevated columnar architecture at the east. An altar or two smaller temples were located on a raised podium to the west side. The sacred quarter, probably built in the Augustan period (27 B.C. - A.D. 14), was dedicated to the deified Caesar & Goddess Roma or Artemis & Emperor Augustus.


The Prytaneum, erected in the same period, was entered via a courtyard (26 × 22 m) surrounded by columns; this building was the office of the city's leading government dignitary. Its main room was used for public banquets for honoured individuals. The ashlar foundation in the centre of the room was either used as a sacred altar for Goddess Hestia, or a place for food preparation. In the area of the Prytaneum the four famous roman copies of the statue of Artemis Ephesia were erected.

To the west, a richly decorated banquet-hall or residential house (14 × 11 m) seems to have been functionally related to the Prytaneum.

- 안내문에서 -





 <Columnar arrangement of the 'Rhodian Peristyle'>




<Discovery of the so-called Beautiful Artemis

(today at Ephesos Museum, Selcuk)>



<Reconstructed columns of the Prytaneum>