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검은머리전당(The House of Blackheads. Melngalvju nams). 리가(Riga) 본문
검은머리전당(The House of Blackheads. Melngalvju nams). 리가(Riga)
세계속으로 2009. 7. 29. 12:00검은머리전당 (The House of Blackheads. Melngalvju nams).
리가(Riga). 라트비아(Latvia)
From the history of the Blackheads House
The Blackheads House, initially called the New house, has been first recorded in 1334. Its original design had been of a common medieval building, and final appearance is a result of numerous reconstructions.
The sculpture of Roland, the symbol of free medieval towns of the Hanseatic League, was erected on the Town square in 1896 and is now located in the St. Peters church. Today there is a replica standing on the square, made in year 2000.
The house was built as a place for meetings and festivities for various public organizations in Riga. In the 17th century a joyous and enterprising foreign, mainly german, merchants association - the Blackheads Company, became the main occupants of the building. The patron of the association, a roman legion commander, who was tortured to death, was St. Mauritius. His image is seen on the coat of arms, and has become its most recognizable feature. The house, considered the most beautiful in the city, together with the city hall and other buildings in Riga was demolished during the Second World War. After the war the interest about the Blackheads house never ceased, different reconstruction projects were developed. In 1991 in the St. Peters church was an exhibition organized in honor of the organization of Blackheads and their building. In 1992 archeological excavations begun on the location site of the original building and in 1995 a large issue was published about the Blackheads house and the brotherhood. This was the year when the reconstruction was begun. Since 1999 Riga is proud again about its re-erected building. And the wish once written on the gate of the Blackheads house is fulfilled:
“Should I ever crumble to dust, rebuild my walls you must”
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라트비아 점령박물관 바로 옆에 있는 장식이 아주 화려한 건물로 중세시대 무역인 모임 중의 하나인 '길드'가 쓰던 건물로 그 당시의 독신 여행가들에게 숙소로 제공하기도 하였다. 이름이 검은머리인 이유는 그 길드의 수호신이 흑인 성인이었기 때문이었다고한다.
1344년 이래로 이어져 내려오고 있는 검은머리전당은 리가의 보물급 건축물이라고 해도 과언이 아닐정도로 유서깊은 건축물이다.
800년의 역사를 가지고 있으며 네덜란드 르네상스 식의 전면과 고딕형태의 건축양식을 가지고 있으며 이후 로코코 양식이 가미되어 화려함을 더하고 있다.
1947년 독일의 폭격에 의해 파괴되었지만 라트비아의 독립이후 다시 재건하여 현재의 화려한 모습이 2001년에 다시 완성되었다.
최근에는 최고의 콘서트 홀로 활용되고 있고 그밖에는 일반에게 공개된다.
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