목록아프리카/잠비아 (Zambia) (26)
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Victoria Falls Bridge 의 Visiting Center. 리빙스턴(Livingstone). 잠비아(Zambia) www.victoriafallsbridge.com/ Cecil Rhodes The Rhodes Colossus - RHodes as satirised in Punch magazine in 1892 after announcing his plan to extend an electrical telegraph line from Cape Town to Cairo. Rhodes's Cape to Cairo Vision Cecil John Rhodes (1853-1902) was an English-born businessman,..
Bridge slide. Victoria Falls Bridge. 리빙스턴(Livingstone). 잠비아 (Zambia)
Victoria Falls Bridge(2). 리빙스턴(Livingstone). 잠비아 (Zambia) Victoria Falls Bridge Officially opened on 12th Sept. 1905 Linking the Countries of Zambia and Zimbabwe 128m high. 198m in length. 잠비아쪽에서의 Victoria Falls Bridge. You are now entering Zambia Bungee Victoria Falls Bridge You have to visit the Victoria Falls Bridge