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알카사바(Alcazaba). 알람브라 궁전(Alhambra). 그라나다(Granada) 본문

지중해/스페인 (Spain)

알카사바(Alcazaba). 알람브라 궁전(Alhambra). 그라나다(Granada)

세계속으로 2010. 7. 5. 10:28

알카사바(Alcazaba). 알람브라 궁전(Alhambra).

그라나다(Granada). 스페인(Spain)


It is obvious that the Alcazaba plainly served a military function. The entrance to the Alcazaba was at the foot of the Tower of Homage . At the base of the tower is a slight slope. A simple L-shaped walkway keeps the main gate from being seen from the outside.


The gate leads to an inner vaulted space with more turns that, at the end and before reaching the Place of Arms , opened up so that defenders could control all access and respond from above to an attack.


In this covered corridor there are two access points: one leading to the ground and underground floors of the Tower of Homage, and the other to the top of the wall and to the tower itself through a narrow and steep vaulted staircase.


This was not the only entrance to the Alcazaba, but probably the most important one since through it the royal guard patrolled the entire complex of the Alhambra. It also served to link it with the inner wall or the road that bordered the Alcazaba.

The interior of the Alcazaba

The area within the inner wall of the Alcazaba is what is known as the Place of Arms in medieval fortresses. It was devoted to military parades during peace time and to establish the defensive strategy when battles were to be fought. For this reason it is an open and clear space with very few constructions.


However, the Alcazaba of the Alhambra, as an enclosure integrated into a larger one, is a residential area for the royal guard of the Sultan who controlled and patrolled the palatial city, and was referred to as the Military District.


It is actually a small city, with an urban distribution similar to that of any district of a Hispanic-Muslim city. A narrow road traverses the enclosure, dividing it into two well differentiated areas.

To the north, walls and pavements are grouped following an irregular pattern with houses of different sizes but similar structures: the houses were tenanted by the royal guard that lived in the enclosure with their families.


On the other side, walls similar to those of the houses but were built following a more regular pattern, with larger open courtyards, with evidence of the presence of warehouses or halls for the soldiers and younger guards.


아랍어로 성채를 뜻하는 알카사바는 알함브라궁전에서 서쪽에 위치해 있다. 13세기 중반에 나스리드 왕조를 연 그라나다 왕국의 건국자 무하마드 1세가 9세기에 이미 있던 성채를 현재의 규모로 정비하여 확장한 것이다. 건축 당시에는 군사시설로 사용이 되면서 24개의 망루와 군인들의 기숙사, 창고 터널 등을 갖춘 견고한 성채였지만 현재는 그때의 자취만이 남아 있을 뿐이다. 이 곳에 있는 여러개의 탑 중 벨라탑은 세비야의 히랄다 탑과 같이 이슬람인이 건축한 최고의 탑으로 꼽히고 있다. 성채의 중간에 위치해 있는 벨라탑을 올라가면 알함브라궁전, 헤네랄리페와 그라나다의 멋진 전망을 볼 수가 있다.








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