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성 가족 성당(Sagrada familia). 바르셀로나(Barcelona) 본문
성 가족 성당(Sagrada familia).
바르셀로나(Barcelona). 스페인(Spain)
바르셀로나의 엽서 사진을 보면 꼭 등장하는 성당이 있는데 바로 그 성당이 성 가족 성당(Sagrada familia)이라고도 불리는 '사그리다 파밀리아' 이다.
옥수수모양의 이 성당은 바르셀로나의 상징이 되었으며 스페인의 천재 건축가인 가우디에 의해 1882년부터 지어지기 시작해 1926년 죽기직전까지도 매달렸던 대규모의 성당이다.
헌금이나 입장 수입료가 생기면 공사가 진행이 되기때문에 현재로는 언제가 되어야 완공이 될지 아무도 알 수가 없다.
완성되면 18개의 탑이 세워지게 된다고 하며 현재도 아직 건축중이다.
성당은 ‘탄생’, ‘수난’, ‘영광’이라는 3개의 파사드(건물의 주 출입구가 있는 정면부)가 있으며 그리스도의 생애가 조각되어 있다.
완성되면 있을 12개의 종탑은 12사도를 의미하며 4개의 돔은 4명의 복음성인인 마태, 마가, 누가 ,요한을 상징하고 있다.
그리고 중앙의 제일 높은 탑은 예수 그리스도를 상징하며 성모마리아를 상징하는 첨탑과 연결되어 있다.
탑 전망대를 올라가면 바르셀로나를 내려다 볼 수가 있으며 지하로 내려가보면 묘소가 있는데 가우디의 묘소이다.
그리고 성당 건축과 관련된 자료도 전시되어있는데 이 성당이 지어지는 과정을 기록한 사진과 모형 등이 전시되어 있다.
Mass in the Crypt
In Catalan and Spanish. Consult the timetables.
October to March, 9.00 to 18.00
Arpil to September, 9.00 to 20.00
* 25 and 26 December - 1 and 6 January, 9.00 to 14.00
No tickets will be sold after fifteen minutes before closing time.
Would you like to be a Friend of the Church ?
Would you like to make a donation for the works ?
informacio@sagradafamilia.org / www.sagradafamilia.org
Recommended Itinerary
1. Passion facade (수난의 파사드)
Represents the passion, death & resurrection of Jesus.
The sculptures are by Josep Maria Subirachs
2. Interior
Here you have a unique opportunity to see how a church is built !
Walking around close to the people working there on weekdays (architects, model
makers, bricklayers, sculptors, stone masons...) you will see how in this work
traditional techniques are used side by with cutting-edge technologies !
3. Montserrat cloister
Do not miss the exhibition "Enjoy Nature", which deals with the close relation
between Gaudi's architecture & the natural world.
4. Nativity facade (탄생의 파사드)
Represents the birth of Jesus. Gaudi finished it so that those who would continue
to work on the church would be aware of the importance & scale of the project.
5. Museum
We recommend a look at the model maker's workshop, where Gaudi's original
models are restored & new ones are made on a different scale to ensure
faithfulness to the original project. Do not miss the audiovisual, which will help you
understand the history & the present moment of the building of the church.
6. School building
This was designed & built as a parish school for the sons & daughters of the
workers on the church & the local children. There is a replica of a classroom from
the time, a reconstruction of Gaudi's workplace & an exhibition focusing on the
geometry he used.
Guided Tours
Regular in English, Catalan and Spanish. Consult the timetales.
For safty reasons visitors can only go up the towers by lift.
(Tickets can be bought inside the lift)
The lifts may be closed owing to the adverse weather conditions.
Language available.
Catala. Castellano. English. Deutsch. Francais. Italiano. Pусский. Portugues.
The shops close fifteen minutes before the ticket offices.
School activities
Special visit for education centres.
Advance booking indispensable: 934 572 284
Mimimum 20
Entrance on the Nativity facade (Carrer de Marina)
Advance booking indispensable : 934 572 284
The Expiatory Church of La Sagrada Familia aims to be a welcoming place for prayer & reflection, a place to express the love of God & men. The church is still being constructed thanks to the donations received from all over the world.
In 1874 the Spiritual Association of the Devotees of St Joseph, whose president was Josep Maria Bocabella, promoted the construction of an expiatory church dedicated to the Holy Family, & in 1882 the foundation stone of the crypt was laid under the direction of the architect Francisco de P. del Villar. He was relieved a year & half later by Antoni Gaudi, who devoted forty-three years of his life to this work, the last twelve almost exclusively. Later on a generous anonymous donation was received & Gaudi turned the original project upside down to create this exceptional church, innovatory in its forms, structures & construction. Today building continues in accordance with his ideas.
At present the church has two facades dedicated to the Birth of Jesu & the Passion of Christ. When it is complete, however, it will have one more, the third, referring to the Glory of Jesus resurrected. It will also have eighteen towers: twelve dedicated to the apostles, four to the evangelists, one to the Virgin Mary & another, which will rise to a height of 170 m, to Jesus.
The team working on the project. the ones who make it possible, number over three hundred. They are the ones who will see that the interior is finished in 2010 so that services can be held there & in 2030 this great work by Gaudi will be complete. Today it is a symbolic landmark of Barcelona, & from now on you too are part of all this.
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탄생의 파사드(Nativity Façade)(동쪽)(1). 성 가족 성당(Sagrada familia), 바르셀로나(Barcelona) (0) | 2010.07.08 |
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