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소크라테스 감옥(Prison of Socrates). 아테네(Athens) 본문


소크라테스 감옥(Prison of Socrates). 아테네(Athens)

세계속으로 2011. 7. 25. 09:42

소크라테스 감옥(Prison of Socrates).

아테네(Athens). 그리스(Greece)

"Prison of Socrates"

The cutting of groundwork & even of whole rooms into the rocky parts of the Hills west of the Acropolis (the Areopagus, the Hills of the Nymphs & of the Mouses, the Pnyx) is especially characteristic of the area, which serves as an open-air exhibition of the town-planning & architecture of the ancients, carved into rock. The impressive structure cut into the rocky slopes of the Hill of the Muses belong probably to a monumental two- or three-story dwelling, as we conclude from the alignments of beam-holes on the surface of the rock. The wooden beams supported the front part of the structure, which was made of stones masonry & wood. To the exterior floor belong passageways that connect with water-channels cut into the facade of the building, & a carved stairway at the south provided communication with the higher levels of the slope. The preserved back part of the structure is a complex of three rooms, carefully cut into bedrock, with doorways at the east & a cistern at th back. The use of the rooms is unknown. Its cave-like structure, however, & its proximally to the Athenian Agora must have led to the popular tradition that the building was the "Prison of Socrates" or an "ancient bath", as guidebooks & history books inform us. In the Second World War the structure was used to hide the antiquities of the Acropolis & the National Archaeological Museum & was sealed up with a thick concrete wall.

- 안내문에서 -


아크로폴리스 언덕 그리스 아테네 파르테논 신전 입구에서 100여m 떨어진 곳에 위치한다.

아테네의 유력한 시민 몇몇이 소크라테스를 신에 대한 불경죄와 젊은이들을 타락시킨다는 죄목으로 고소했고 소크라테스는 재판을 받은 후 이곳에 억류되어 있다가 죽음을 맞이했다고 한다.





소크라테스 감옥으로 가는길




- 안내문 -


Ground plan of the subterrain chambers of "Prison of Socrates"

(Ernest Breton, Paris 1862)


"Prison of Socrates"

(Ernest Breton, Paris 1862)


"Prison of Socrates"

(Archive of Natonal Historical Museum, 1890)


"Prison of Socrates" before the removal of the concrete wall (1999)


"Prison of Socrates" after the removal of the concrete wall (2002)