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성요한 수도원(안내문). Holy Monastery of St. John. 밧모섬(Patmos) 본문


성요한 수도원(안내문). Holy Monastery of St. John. 밧모섬(Patmos)

세계속으로 2011. 7. 23. 16:00

Holy Monastery of St. John.(안내문).

밧모섬(Patmos). 그리스(Greece)

성요한 수도원



The impressive architecture, the prestige fo priceless spiritual treasures that have being accumulated ove the centuries & its continual presence for almost a thousand years make the visit to the Monastery of St. John the Theologian imperative. The current version of the monastery is the result of the gradual impact of different architectural styles.

The need for protection of the inhabitants of this island from many pirate raids, gave the monastery its apparent fortification character, & from time to time extensions due to the rapid growth of the monks that took place in times of prosperity.


The Monastery today continues to be an active cell of orthodoxy & not just a museum.

Key attractions are the Catholic Monastery & the museum - sacristy which is considered as the largest museum in the Aegean.

Among the many exhibits, the golden bull Alexiou Komninou (1088) stands out, which ceded the island of Patmos in Osio Christodoulos, the image of Christ Elkomenou that probable carries the signature of El Greco, the purple parchment Code (late 5th century) which is one of the sources of the New Testament text & also multiple manuscripts, old books, silver objects, vestments & icons

The collection is completed by inscriptions, capitals & other archaeological finds from the temple of Artemis, which existed in the area that now the Monastery is.


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