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파르테논 신전(The Parthenon)(1). 아테네(Athens) 본문


파르테논 신전(The Parthenon)(1). 아테네(Athens)

세계속으로 2011. 7. 25. 08:44

파르테논 신전(The Parthenon)(1). 아테네(Athens). 그리스(Greece)


UNESCO. 세계문화유산 1호


The Opisthonaos

The restoration of the Parthenon opisthonaos was completed in June 2004.

The project provided for the restoration of the architectural members of the entablature, which had beed dismantled, & for conservation & restoration in situ of members that had remained on the monument.

The archetectual members were conserved &, where necessary, they were filled in with new Pentelic marble

New titanium clamps & dowels replaced the rusted clamps & dowels of earlier interventions.

As part of the project, works were carried out for effective protection of the west frieze.

After being dismantled, the frieze blocks were conserved with the use of the most recent technology & are currently exhibited in the Acropolis Museum.

Casts have replaced the original members on the monument.








The lateral walls of the Cella

The projects for restoring the lateral walls of the cella began in 1992 with the aim of correcting the inadequacies of the earlier interventions of 1841-1844, 1913 & 1927-1928.

Together with the dismantling of the architectural members, studies have been made for a new restoration.

Research has been focused on locating the original position of the blocks that had been used in previous restorations & on incorporating scattered material in the building.

As a result, 440 additional cella wall blocks have been identified.

With the new restoration, the walls will regain the form they had at the beginning of the 19th century.







The great temple of Athena Parthenos, 447-432 B.C. Highest achievement of ancient greek classical art & the most significant & representative monument of the athenlan democracy at the height of its glory.


The restoration of the Parthenon is divided in twelve projects (the shaded areas on the plans), involving the following parts of the monument: the four facades, the two inner porches (pronaos & opisthonaos), ther four walls of the sekos (the temple's interior), the crepidomas & floors.


The first restoration project - the restoration of the east facade of the Parthenon - was carried out between 1986 & 1990. In 1992/3 the west frieze of the Parthenon had been transferred to the Acropolis Museum. on the monument it will be replaced by a faithful copy.


Currently consolidation & restoration work is carried on the opisthonaos (rear inner porch), the long walls of the sekos, & the pronaos (front inner porch) of the monument.








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