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"Hall of The Double Axes". "Queen's Megaron". 크노소스 궁(Palace of Knossos). 헤라클리온((Heraklion. Crete)) 본문


"Hall of The Double Axes". "Queen's Megaron". 크노소스 궁(Palace of Knossos). 헤라클리온((Heraklion. Crete))

세계속으로 2011. 7. 24. 08:47

The "Hall of The Double Axes" & The "Queen's Megaron".

크노소스 궁(Palace of Knossos).

헤라클리온(Heraklion. Crete). 그리스(Greece)


 Dolphins' frescoe



Archaeological information concerning political organization during the Minoan period is very limited. Nevertheless, the mythological tradition concerning King Minos & Evans's notions concerning the institution of kingship have influenced interpretations of the Palace & its spaces. The "Royal Apartments" have been located in this region.


The "Hall of The Double Axes"

The "Hall of The Double Axes" (Fig. 1) was so named by Evans due to the double-axe signs engraved on the walls of the lightwell at its rear.

<Fig. 1>

He also thought that it was the place of residence of the king of Knossos.

The central area has openings on the three sides & is therefore called a "polythyron" (system with multiple doorways). It has a slab floor & its walls were embellished with gypsum slabs & frescoes. The area between the "polythyron" & the lightwell was used as a reception hall. Traces of a wooden construction were found here. Evans reconstructed a wooden throne at this spot.

According to the archaeological finds, the arrangement of the apartments on the upper floor was comparable with those on the ground floor.


The "Queen's Megaron"

Near the "Hall of the Double Axes" is a smaller hall, comparably arranged & richly decorated (Fig. 2).


<Fig. 2>

Evans thought that it must have belonged to the Queen. Fragments of frescoes with dolphins & dancing ladies were found. The room is largely restored & copies of the wall paintings have been put up on the walls (Fig. 3).


<Fig. 3>

At the end of the room, a low partition wall with one column created a small space. It was thought that it was the "Queen's Bathroom" since pieces of clay "bath" were found there.

A corridor joints the "Queen's Megaron" with rooms that have been interpreted as places of preparation & washing.




- 안내문에서 -


The "Queen's Megaron"









 <Dancing lady>