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메수아르 궁(Mexuar). 나스르 왕조 궁전(Palacios Nazaries). 알람브라 궁전(Alhambra). 그라나다(Granada) 본문

지중해/스페인 (Spain)

메수아르 궁(Mexuar). 나스르 왕조 궁전(Palacios Nazaries). 알람브라 궁전(Alhambra). 그라나다(Granada)

세계속으로 2010. 7. 5. 09:34

메수아르 궁(Mexuar). 나스르 왕조 궁전(Palacios Nazaries).

알람브라 궁전(Alhambra). 그라나다(Granada). 스페인(Spain)


나스르 왕조의 역대 왕이 살았던 곳으로 왕의 정치 집무실이면서 주거공강이던 알함브라 궁전의 심장부다. 예전에는 7개의 궁이 있었으나 지금은 메수아르 궁, 코마레스 궁, 라이온 궁만이 남아 있으며 이 세 궁전을 묶어 나스르 왕조 궁전이라 부른다. 메수아르 궁전은 나스르 왕조 궁정에서 현존하는 가장 오래된 궁전이다. 왕궁을 방문한 사람들을 위한 대기실로 사용되었던 황금의 방이 있다. 남쪽으로는 궁전의 중심부인 코마레스 궁으로 연결이 된다. 코마레스 궁의 중심에는 아라야네스의 정원이 펼쳐져 있으며 바루카의 방과 대사의 방이 위치해 있다. 대사의 방 입구 아치에 남아있는 금박과 벽 전체의 모자이크는 과거의 영화를 느낄 수 있다. 아라야네스 정원과 이어진 곳이 라이온 궁으로 왕족의 개인 공간이었다. 안뜰 중앙에는 과거 물시계 역할을 했던 12개의 사자가 받치고 있는 분수가 있으며 안뜰과 접해 있는 곳이 아벤세라헤스 일족이 참살당한 아벤세라헤스의 방, 나스르 왕조 역대 왕을 그린 천장화가 남아 있는 제왕의 방, 라이온 궁에서 가장 오래된 것으로 알려진 두 자매의 방이 있다. 마지막으로 <알함브라 이야기>를 집필한 워싱턴 어빙의 방이 있다.


The Mexuar and the Oratory were rooms used for various purposes: the Mexuar for Counsel of Ministers meetings, and the Oratory for worship.

The Mexuar

Its name is derived from the Arabic term Maswar, the place where the Surah or Counsel of Ministers met. It was also the place or hall where the Sultan dispensed justice.

This room probably belonged to a structure that preceded the Palace of Comares and the Palace of the Lions. Its construction is attributed to Isma’il (1314-1325), and has undergone many alterations and modifications

Its decoration was adapted by Yusuf I (1333-1354) and later by Muhammad V during his second mandate (1362-1391). Both rulers were responsible for the construction of two best preserved Palaces of the Alhambra

Originally it had a lantern-like central body that provide light to the inside, of which only the four columns and entablature have been preserved. In the 16th century an upper floor was added and the building was transformed into a Chapel. The area today, with its Renaissance balustrade, was originally enclosed by a wall that was connected to the courtyard; this was added to the room to be used as the chapel choir.

Among the many significant alterations to the room was the epigraphic frieze of stucco that runs above the tiled socle . Coming from the lost Portico of the Court of Machuca, it was installed in the Mexuar by Moorish artisans to replace battlements with a clear symbolic purpose: The Kingdom is God’s, Power is God’s. Glory is God’s”. This inscription replaced the Christian verse: «Christus regnat. Christus vincit. Christus imperat».

The Oratory

A good Muslim must pray five times a day. He may do it in anywhere, although there are also medinas, mosques and oratories for that purpose. In the Alhambra, besides the Great Mosque, there were different oratories that were used by the Sultan, his family and the Court.

Originally access to the Oratory was through the Gallery of Machuca. Ground level was at the height of the stone bench by the windows, which last century was lowered to facilitate access to the oratory. The windows allowed worshippers who were kneeling on the floor with their arms leaning on the window sill to observe the landscape and reflect on the greatness of nature and divine creation.

When a powderhouse blew up in 1590 it destroyed the room. Later, it was renovated in 1917. The inscription includes a holy text from the Koran and praises by Muhammad V, among others. We can read: “Come to pray. Don’t be one of the negligent people.”











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