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아우슈비츠 수용소 (Auschwitz Concentration Camp, Oświęcim) 본문
아우슈비츠 수용소 (Auschwitz Concentration Camp, Oświęcim).
수용소 건축 초기에는 폴란드 죄인들의 수용소로 사용되었지만 그 이후에는 소련군 포로, 집시, 다른 나라의 죄수들이 수감되었다.
정문에는 '일하면 자유로워진다'는 말이 쓰여 있지만, 유대인에게 자유는 존재하지 않았다.
1942년부터 본격적으로 히틀러의 유태인 말살 정책에 의해 전 유럽의 유태인들이 수용되기 시작하면서 죽음의 수용소로 변하기 시작하였고, 불과 5년 사이에 이곳에서 숨진 인원은 무려 110만 명에서 150만 명에 이른다고 한다.
나치는 패전이 임박하자 자신들의 만행을 철저히 은폐시키기 위해 가스실과 건물들을 파괴하고 각종 문서들을 소각하였다.
이 죽음의 수용소는 1945년 1월 27일소련군에 의해 해방되었으며 1947년 7월 2일 폴란드 국회는 아우슈비츠와 비르케나우 수용소 두곳을 비극의 역사를 잊지 말고 되풀이 하지 말자는 염원을 담아 박물관으로 조성하셨으며 1979년 유네스코에 의해 세계문화유산으로 등록되었다.
영화『쉰들러 리스트』와 『안네의 일기』의 무대가 된 곳.
In the second half of 1944, in the face of advance of the Red Army, the SS began to evacuate prisoners & send them to other camps deeper inside Germany. In mid-January 1945, the order for final evacuation and liquidation of the camp was given
From 17-21 January 1794, the SS forced all prisoners who could walk - some 56,000 people to leave the camp and the surrorounding subcamps on foot. Many lost their lives during that last tragic march, often called the "Death March".
To conceal what was happening in Auschwitz and to reserve further lands for future industrial & agricultural activity, in 1940 the SS declared an area of 40 square kilometres around Auschwitz and Birkenau an interessengebiet, or special interest zone. Most o the Pols living in the area were expelled in 1940 & 1941.
Some of the house services for the SS garrison, others were dismantled.
From 1940 to 1944 the camp authorities set up various farms, factories & workshops in this area, using prisoners as slave labour.
Within the interessengebiet, many thousands of prisoners died from beatings inflicted by SS guards & prisoner overseers (kapos), from the inhumane conditions of slave labour or were simply shot.
Auschwitz I & part of the surrounding Interessengebiet
Aerial photo taken by the Allies, 1944
A - Area of the former Polish army garrison taken in 1940 by the SS as the site for the location
of the camp (now part of the Auschwitz-Birkenau Memorial & Museum)
B - Blocks built in 1943-44 as part of the extension of the camp planned by the SS
C - Building where the first prisoners to arrive in Auschwitz were housed temporarily
(728 Polish political prisoners sent from Tarnow prison on 14 June 1940)
D - Building designated for processing & registering new prisoners (completed mid-1944)
E - Railway sidings where deportees arrived
● - Sites of execution & mass murder
F - Gravel pits quarried by prisoners for building materials; also the site of many deaths
G - Storage for canisters of the Zyklon B used for the mass murder of Jews in the
gas chambers
H - Warehouses for belongings taken from the Jews on their arrival in Auschwitz
("Canada" I)
1 - SS warehouses
2 - SS offices
3 - SS sentry posts
\ - SS guard towers ("inner ring")
\ - Outlying SS outposts ("outer ring")
4 - Factory of the German firm DAW (Deutsche Ausrustungswerke)
5 - Factory of the German firm Krupp (from 1943, Union Werke)
6 - Workshops & outbuildings.
7 - Barracks for SS & camp garrison
8 - Kitchen & canteen for the SS
9 - SS infirmary
■ - Houses from which Poles were expelled to provide living accommodation for SS
personnel & their families & other services of the SS garrison
■ - Mass grave of 700 prisoners who died just prior to or immediately after the Soviet
liberation of the camp
Throughout the world, Auschwitz has become a symbol of terror, genocide, & the Holocaust. The German forces occupying Poland during the Second World War established a concentration camp, on the outskirts of the town of Oswiecim, in 1940; the Germans called the town Auschwitz & that is the name by which the camp was known. Over the next years it was expanded into three main camps: Auschwitz I, Auschwitz II-Birkenau, & Auschwitz III-Monowitz & more than forty subcamps. The first people to the brought to Auschwitz as prisoners & murdered here were Poles. They were followed by Soviet prisoners of war, Gypsies & deportees of many other nationalities. Beginning in 1942, however, Auschwitz became the setting for the most massive murder campaign in history, when the Nazis put into operation their plan to destroy the entire Jewish population of Europe. The great majority of Jews who were deported to Auschwitz - men, women, & children - were sent immediately upon arrival to death in the gas chambers of Birkenau.
When the SS realised that the end of the war was near, they attempted to remove the evidence of the atrocities committed here. They dismantled the gas chamber, crematoria, & other buildings, burned documents, & evacuated all those prisoners who could walk to the interior of Germany. Those who were not evacuated were liberated by the Red Army on January 27, 1945
On July 2, 1947, the Polish Parliament established the State Museum of Oświęcim - Brzezinka on the sites of the former camps at Auschwitz I & Auschwitz II- Birkenau. In 1979 these camps were formally recognized by UNESCO by their inclusion on its World Heritage List.
Please behave appropriately, Respecting the memory of those who suffered & died here.
The Auschwitz-Birkenau Museum & Memorial encompasses the grounds of the largest Nazi German concentration & extermination camp. It consists of two integral parts of the former camp: Auschwitz I & Auschwitz II-Birkenau.
Organized groups are required to engage a Museum guide.
Guided tours are also organized for individual visitors.
Individual visitors
Everyone entering the Auschwitz I site from 10:00 A.M. Until 3:00 P.M. must be accompanied by a museum guide.
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