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밀로의 비너스상 (Venus of Milo). 루브르 박물관(Musee du Louvre). 파리(Paris) 본문

서유럽/프랑스 (France)

밀로의 비너스상 (Venus of Milo). 루브르 박물관(Musee du Louvre). 파리(Paris)

세계속으로 2013. 7. 26. 14:36

밀로의 비너스상 (Venus of Milo).

루브르 박물관(Musee du Louvre). 파리(Paris). 프랑스(France)



Discovered in April 1820 on the island of Melos in the Cyclades (Greece), this statue is believed to depict Aphrodite, goddness of Love, known to the Romans as Venus. THis masterpiece of Greek marble sculpture, whose sculptor is unknown, is dated from about 120 BC

The loss of the arms & the absence of characteristic elements imply that the identity of the goddness represented cannot be confirmed: it could also be Amphitrite, the sea-goddess, particularly venerated in Milo.

The statue was created using two blocks sculpted separately : the legs draped to the hips & the nude bust with the head. This technique was typical of sculptors creating in workshops in Rhodes & in the Cyclades at the end of the Hellenistic era (330-30 BC) when the Romans conquered Greece.


Aphrodite is the goddess of love & beauty. In ancient Greek, her name supposedly meant "born out of the foam" - referring to the legend of her birth. The goddess is most often portrayed nude, renewing her erotic powers by bathing: Aphrodite semi draped or nude, leaving the water. She is associated with the swan or the dove, and in her popular form, especially venerated by the courtesans, she is portrayed riding on a goat. Her principal centres of worship are Cyprus & Cythera

- 안내문에서 -



높이 : 204 cm

일명 Aphrodite of Melos 라고도 한다
















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