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한국관. 대영박물관(The British Museum). 런던(London) 본문

서유럽/영국 (United Kingdom)

한국관. 대영박물관(The British Museum). 런던(London)

세계속으로 2013. 7. 19. 16:09

한국관. 대영박물관(The British Museum). 

런던(London). 영국(England)



The Korean peninsula has a vibrant and distinct culture with ancient roots. Its rich traditions draw upon a wealth of antive ideas and practices, and incorporate features developed in response to contact with neighouring Asian civilisations.


This gallery presents a selection of Korea's arts and crafts from ancient to modern times, including examples of unique contributions to ceramic, lacquer, and metalworking traditions, The reconstruction of a sarangbang, or scholar's study, reflects the importance of traditional architecture, which continues to be held in high esteem in the present day.


한반도는 선조들이 이어온 독특하고 눈부신 문화를 가지고 있습니다. 한국의 우수한 전통은 고유한 사상과 풍습을 바탕으로 하고 있으며, 인접한 아시아 국가들의 문명과 접촉하면서 발전된 특성을 아우르고 있습니다.


이 전시실에서는 도자기, 칠공예, 금속공예 등 고대에서 현대에 이르기까지 한국의 대표적인 미술품과 공예품을 선별하여 소개하고 있습니다.

특히 사랑방 또는 선비의 공부방을 재현하여 오늘날까지 높은 평가를 받고 있는 전통건축의 우수성을 보여주고 있습니다.




Korea : Land & People

The Koeran peninsula occupies a pivotal position in East Asia, situated between China, Russia and Japan. A single country from the seventh until the twentieth century, Korea is now divided as a result of the Korean War (1950-53).


Mountains form over seventy percent of the land of Korea. The northern frontier with China is marked by the Amnok and Tuman rivers, which rise on the slopes of Mount Paektu, Korea's holy mountain.


The origins of the Korean people lie in the Altai region of southern Siberia. This is reflected in the Korean spoken language. The Koreans used Chinese written script until the invention in the fifteenth century of han'gul, a Korean phonetic script


The Korean peninsula


Mountain Paektu and Heaven Lake

Photograph : Mark de Fraeye



 The Trustees record their gratitude to THE KOREA FOUNDATION for a generoud grant to create this gallery in 2000




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