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동물의 방 (Sala degli Animali. Hall of the Animals). 바티칸 박물관(Musei Vaticani) 본문


동물의 방 (Sala degli Animali. Hall of the Animals). 바티칸 박물관(Musei Vaticani)

세계속으로 2013. 7. 20. 16:05

동물의 방 (Sala degli Animali. Hall of the Animals).

바티칸 박물관(Musei Vaticani). 바티칸 시국



Sala degli Animali

The double space which is the Hall of the Animals was built under Pius VI (1775-1799) by extending a pre-existing room to the north. This room was then known as the room of the Torso because for a long time it contained the famous Belvedere Torso. It now holds ancient statues which in the past have been much restored, sometimes to the point of completely distorting the original, in order to present a 'stone zoo'. With the passing of time, other statues of rare or exotic animals were made or added to the original collection, particularly in the second half of the 18th century. These statues clearly show the ability of the artists of those days to compete with - and outshine - the masters of the ancient world. First and foremost of these 18th century artists was Francesco Antonio Franzoni.

The statues in the room are of small to medium size and relate to the themes of anture and hunting. The protagonists are clearly animals both in the curious interaction among them, and in their relation to the gods and heroes of the ancient world (Mithras, Hercules, Meleager). Sometimes the colour of the stone alludes to the tones of the animal's coat or the plumage of a bird, or to contrast against another, giving the whole display a colourful aspect.

Museo Pio Clementino

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