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Mural del Puma. 테오티오칸(Teotihuacán) 본문

중남미/멕시코 (Mexico)

Mural del Puma. 테오티오칸(Teotihuacán)

세계속으로 2013. 10. 30. 14:22

Mural del Puma. 테오티오칸(Teotihuacán). 멕시코(Mexico)



This mural was discovered during archaeological explorations in 1963. It is part of a group of plateforms and temples that comprise an architectural unit known as The Puma Complex. This representation acquaints one with the type of decoration on the slope-panel facades of the buildings located on both sides of the Avenue of the Dead

In the scene shown here you see the profiled portrayal of a large wild cat, probably a puma, with open jaws and large claws protruding from its paws.

It is painted over a background of slanting bands alternately colored red, white and green, symbolizing an aquatic atmosphere. The panel molding is decorated with green circles that represent "chalchihuites," or precious stones.

- 안내문에서 -



Dibujo del Mural del Puma.





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