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해골의 선반 (Tzompantli). 치첸잇사(치첸이트사. Chichen Itza) 본문

중남미/멕시코 (Mexico)

해골의 선반 (Tzompantli). 치첸잇사(치첸이트사. Chichen Itza)

세계속으로 2013. 10. 31. 12:21

해골의 선반 (Tzompantli). 치첸잇사(Chichén Itzá). 멕시코(Mexico)


The Tzompantli 는 낮은 단으로 4 면에는 이를 드러내는 해골들이 조각되어 있다. 이 단에는 제물로 바쳐졌던 희생자들의 머리가 놓여졌을 거라 추측된다.

Tzompantli is called The Wall of Skulls, which is actually an Aztec name for this kind of structure, because the first one seen by the horrified Spanish was at the Aztec capital city of Tenochtitlan.
The Tzompantli structure at Chichen Itza is very interesting Toltec structure, where the heads of sacrificial victims were placed; although it was one of three platforms in the Great Plaza, it was according to Bishop Landa, the only one for this purpose the others were for farces and comedies, showing the Itza's were all about fun.
The platform walls of the Tzompantli have carved beautiful reliefs of four different subjects. The primary subject is the skull rack itself; others show a scene with a human sacrifice; eagles eating all human hearts; and skeletonized warriors with arrows and shields.














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