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워터프론트 (Waterfront)(1). 케이프타운(Cape Town) 본문

아프리카/남아프리카 공화국 (South Africa)

워터프론트 (Waterfront)(1). 케이프타운(Cape Town)

세계속으로 2013. 12. 12. 17:44

워터프론트 (Waterfront)(1).

케이프타운(Cape Town). 남아프리카 공화국(South Africa)


                                                              ▲ 테이블 마운틴(Table Mountain) 

















Union Castle Building

Erected in 1919, this beatiful building as designed for the Union Castle Shipping Line by the firm of the famous British architect, Sir Herbert Baker, who is best-known for the Union Buildings in Pretoria, the seat of South African government since 1912. The Union Castle Line resulted from the 1900 amalgamation of two rival mailship lines, the Union Steam Ship Company and the Castle Line, and for many years it was a key link between Cape Town and Britain.


It provided a weekly mail service, transported thousands of passengers and carried cargo ranging from Beano comics to gold bullion, and ran without interruption for 77 years, except during the two world wars. The elegant Union Castle mailships with their lavender-painted hulls were as much a part of Cape Town life as Table Mountain, and it was quite common for families to go down to the docks to wave goodbye to the departing mailships. But then the era of affordable air travel arrived, and in 1977 the last one, the Windsor Castle, sailed away.



The Pretoria Castle, 28,705 tons, in Table Bay 1951


Games on board

(Photographs supplied by Cape Archives)


The arrival of the Union Castle is marked with streamers and cheering

(photograph supplied by the South African Library: Cape Times Collection)


Visitors are welcome to the Cape

(photograph supplied by the South African Library: Cape Timers Collection)


Life on board ship

(photograph supplied by the South African Library: Cape Times Collection)


Life on board ship

(photograph supplied by the South African Library : Cape Timers Collection)




































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