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달의 광장(Plaza de la Luna. Plaza of the Moon). 테오티와칸(Teotihuacán) 본문

중남미/멕시코 (Mexico)

달의 광장(Plaza de la Luna. Plaza of the Moon). 테오티와칸(Teotihuacán)

세계속으로 2013. 10. 30. 14:01

달의 광장(Plaza de la Luna. Plaza of the Moon).

테오티와칸(Teotihuacán). 멕시코(Mexico)




One of the most important sacred spaces within the city of Teotihuacan is that comprised by the Pyramid of the Moon, its broad plaza and pyramidal buildings and other structures that make up the group as a whole. It hold a strategic position in the overall urban plan, as it is the starting point of the city's main road: the Avenue of the Dead. Another characteristic of this group is that it has an open view, as distinguished from the Pyramid of the Sun and the Ciudadela, both of which are spaces circumscribed by a platform. In this sence, it is therefore likely to have been an area dedicated to public ceremonies to which admittance was unrestricted.

The main plaza in front of the Pyramid has a square layout, each side measuring 466 feet, and the buildings are arranged symmetrically on either side of the axis of the Avenue of the Dead. In its central area there is large altar with stairs facing the four directions.


La Plaza de la Piramide de la Luna


Recreacion de la Piramide de la Luna. Basado en el dibujo de J.A. Gomez Rubio, ca. 1950


Emile Chabrand, La diosa del agua, 1892


La escultura de Chalchiuhtlicue fue encontrada cerca de aqui, al pie de la Piramide de la Luna. Actualmente se puede apreciar en el Museo Nacional de Antropologia



A structure that contains several interior divisions, forming five parts, was found in front of the Pyramid of the Moon and was given the name of "Teotihuacan Cross" or "Quincunx".


The quincunx in the Mesoamerican communities.


The quincunx in Mesoamerica is associated to a cosmological order of long tradition, where the universe is divided into four regions and each one is governed by one of the cardinal points. The forces from the four corners of the cosmos and the three vertical levels (heaven, earth and underworld) converged in the center: the world's navel

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