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천선교 (天仙橋). 황룡동굴(黃龍洞窟). 장가계(張家界) 본문

아시아/중국 (China)

천선교 (天仙橋). 황룡동굴(黃龍洞窟). 장가계(張家界)

세계속으로 2014. 5. 4. 11:09

천선교 (天仙橋). 황룡동굴(黃龍洞窟). 장가계(張家界). 중국


천선교. Fairy Bridge

It is the biggest man-made stone arch bridge that has been developed in the limestone caves of China. The width is 3m, the length is 22m and it is 17m high from the water.