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Sistemas constructivos de la Piramide del Sol. 테오티와칸(Teotihuacan) 본문

중남미/멕시코 (Mexico)

Sistemas constructivos de la Piramide del Sol. 테오티와칸(Teotihuacan)

세계속으로 2013. 10. 30. 15:06

Sistemas constructivos de la Piramide del Sol.

테오티와칸(Teotihuacan). 멕시코(Mexico)


Iker Larrauri, Trabajadores teotihuacanos construyendo la llamada piramide del sol, supervisados por un dirigente.


Corte de un edificio que muestra el sistema de construccion


The building's monumental appearance, its huge size and architectural features evidence the technological development and the level of engineering and architectural knowledge reached by Teotihuacan's society. At present the Pyramid of the Sun has a height of 213 feet from its base, a measurement which corresponds to the building's penultimate construction state. Each side has a length of 746 feet at its base, and the pyramid's volume has been calculated at about one million cubic yards. It should be taken into account, furthermore, that the summit of the pyramid was originally crowned by a richly ornamented temple. Its construction was accomplished by means of a system using dirt, sand and adobe fills  covered over by a layer of rock. This facing was then entirely sheathed first by a thick coating made with gravel cemented together with a lime/sand mix, and then a finish of lime, sand and red paint. The chunks of stones now seen on the pyramid's sides served in the prevention of any loosening or slippage of the building's facing.