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해의 피라미드 (Pirámide del Sol. Pyramid of the Sun)(2). 테오티와칸(Teotihuacán) 본문

중남미/멕시코 (Mexico)

해의 피라미드 (Pirámide del Sol. Pyramid of the Sun)(2). 테오티와칸(Teotihuacán)

세계속으로 2013. 10. 30. 14:36

해의 피라미드 (Pirámide del Sol. Pyramid of the Sun)(2).

테오티와칸(Teotihuacán). 멕시코(Mexico)



In sheer size the Pyramid of the Sun is the largest pre-Hispanic building of its times 100-650 A.D. and one of the most important is Mesoamerica. Its name comes from the fact that beginning in the sixteenth-century, accounts claimed that the sun god was worshipped at this immense monument. Large-scale exploration of it was undertaken in 1906 by Leopoldo Batres upon orders from then President Porfirio Diaz. The twin purpose was to emphasize the cultural wealth of the Mexican people expressed in their pre-Hispanic works, and to celebrated Mexico's 100 years of independence in 1910. Archaeological investigations at this monument indicate that its construction was carried out in a single operation, and show that its interior is solid and formed from sand and dirt fills.


Its erection got under way more or less in the Tzacualli phase (1-100 A.D.), and in the next phase (Miccaotli, 100-250 A.D.) a platform was added in front of its main facade and then, parallel to it, two temples were built on its north and south sides. Three overlying levels of construction have been found. The overall shape of the monument as seen today belongs to the building's penultimate construction phase. According to recent studies, there are errors in the reconstruction carried out early in this century, since it is shown with five terraces instead of the original four. The top of the pyramid was once crowned by a temple where religious rites associated with the deity to which this building was dedicated, were carried out.






Tunel Prehispanico


Bajo la piramide se encuentra un tunel cavado en la roca natural que pasa 6 mts. por debajo de los cimientos. Su trayectoria es irregular y alcanza una longitud total de 99 mts. en direccion al este. Se encuentra sobre el eje de la piramide y pudo haber sido cavado antes de la construccion de la piramide. Debido a intervenciones prehispanicas posteriores a la epoca teotihuacana, es desconocida su funcion exacta.


Esculturas de la Plataforma Adosada

The sculptures seen in this space formed part of the friezes which adorned the panels on the platform annexed t the Pyramid of the Sun. The main themas depicted were catlike fitures decked in feathers but also associated with reptilian elements. Frieze ornamentation was complemented with geometric figures and stars. The fragments seen here are from the sculpotures of large, feline heads, legs and paws, as well as rattlesnake tails, bands of feathers, stars and geometric figures. The large, stone blocks with circles, or "chalchihuites" are found in the panel moldings. All these can be seen on the platform's sides, and also on the pyramids located to the north and south, with the difference that here, they are painted red.



Registradas por el proyecto de investigacion y conservacion de la Piramide del Sol en diciembre del 2007. Forman parte de un grupo de 4 esculturas ubicadas en el cimiento de la plataforma o muralla que rodea la Piramide del Sol.


Representan una posible deidad aun no identificada. Sus rasgos, tales como las cejas que se prolongan para formar las orejas, son comunes en la representacion de otras deidades en Teotihuacan. La pigmentacion, la forma de las cejas, los circulos verdes y la boca, tambien son frecuentes en otras esculturas. Se distinguen principalmente por el volumen en forma de cubo. 

1. Peso de 1,963 kg. 96 cm de altura. 104 cm de ancho 


2. Peso de 948 Kg, 73 cm de altura, 104 cm de ancho


Cabeza de felino

Cabeza de felino, hecha para ser empotrada en un muro que decoraba una de las plataformas adosadas a la fachada principal de la gran piramide. Desde las exploraciones de 1905 se han registrado una gran cantidad de esculturas en tormo a su fachada principal

Fue hllada por el Proyecto Especial Teotihuacan 1992-94


Complejo arquitectonico



La Piramide del Sol no fue un monumento aislado en la ciudad antigua de Teotihuacan. Forma parte de una unidad urbana denominada "Complejo Arquitectonico de la Piramide del Sol", la cual consiste en La gran piramide, la plataforma o muralla que la delimita por completo, la plaza en frente de la piramide y los conjuntos residenciales ubicados al norte y sur de la plaza.


La construccion inicial esta calculada para el primer siglo despues de Cristo Posteriormente se llevaron a cabo varias modificaciones en todos los elementos que conforman el complejo urbano, incluso con una clara reocupacion por grupos humanos varios siglos despues del abandono de la ciudad (ocurrido en el siglo VI-VII d.C.)



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