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쿠바비자 본문

중남미/멕시코 (Mexico)


세계속으로 2013. 11. 1. 12:16



Important information

You must have this card to enter the country fill in all the details required to avoid its annulment

Retain this card until your departure, in case of loss. inform inmigration authorities inmediately in order to obtain a duplicate upon previous payment of the relevant fees. This VISA allows you to stay in the country for 30 days. Extendable for anothr 30 days, In the case of leisure or recreational purposes.

It is not valid for other travel purposes.

Upon departure it is essential to present this document together with passport and air fare.


Fill out this document completely in block letter or typewritten without deletions or corrections

It is valid for one entry and one exit.

It is invalid without stamp of issuing entity. This document is not to be used by Cuban citizens.