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Panamá Viejo 안내. 파나마시티(Panamacity) 본문
Panamá Viejo 안내. 파나마시티(Panamacity). 파나마(Panama)
The urbanization has destroyed or modified most of the natural
Vista de la vegetacion de la costa en el Sitio Arqueologico de Panama Viejo.
Originally, the natural vegetation of the Panama Viejo area included mangroves in the estuaries
and coast scrub in the more exposed areas, Savannah-grassland with scattered trees -
stretched inland from the coast. Today urbanization has destroyed or modified most of the
natural vegetation. However, extensive areas of mangroves can still be found just east of
Panama City.
Datos arqueologicos indican que
nativas habitaron estas costas.
Excavaciones de huellas de viviendas prehispanicas.
Reconstrucccion hipotetica de vivienda prehispanica.
Panama Viejo, founded more than 450 years ago, is recognized as the first Hispanic settlement
in the Mar del Sur (South Seas). Archeological information indicates that natives inhabited these
coasts fifteen hundred years ago - taling advantage of the resources offered by the surrounding
natural environment.
Archeologically, traces left from dwellings have been sporadically reported in Panama. A circular
imprint with a 7-meter diameter was found in Chirirqui (Pitti Site): similarly, an 8 X 4- meter oval
pattern of postholes was left in Cocle (Sierra Site).
In archeological excavations at this site, posthole patterns and alignments of stones were
identified, which allow for the assumption of the shapes and dispositions of this place's first
settlement's dwelling.
De acuerdo con la informacion historica,
en los alrededores de este convento
Vista hipotetical del Convento de la Merced en 1671
The Mercedaries founded the Vonvent in 1522. According with historical information, many people of African origin resided in its outskirts.
The cloister was located on Calle de la Carrera (Carrera Road). This road served to join the port to the Casas Reales. It ended, to the west, in the Puente del Matadero (Matadero Bridge), which led to the Camino de Cruces (Cruces Road).
This road's original pavement was found through archeological excavations in 2004, located a meter under where you stand. It's made of cantos rodados (rounded pebbles) with a slight unevenness towards the coast which, probabley, prevented it from flooding during the rainy season.
The plotting fo teh Cincuentenario Avenue divided the Convent into two, which makes its actual interpretation as a whole difficult.
1. Puente del Matadero 2. Fuerte de la Natividad
3. Centro de Visitantes - Museo 4. Convento de la Merced
5. Convento de San Francisco 6. Hospital San Juan de Dios
7. Convento de la Concepcion 8. Convento de la Cia. de Jesus
9. Casas Oesta 10. Casas Terrin
11. Catedral 12. Casa Alarcon
13. Convento de Santo Domingo 14. Casas Reales
15. Los Genoveces 16. Convento de San Jose
17. Puente del Rey
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