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카를교 교탑(Lesser Town Bridge Tower. Malostranská mostecká věž). 프라하(Prague) 본문

동유럽/체코 (Czech)

카를교 교탑(Lesser Town Bridge Tower. Malostranská mostecká věž). 프라하(Prague)

세계속으로 2012. 7. 28. 12:31

카를교 교탑(말라 스트라나 교탑)

(Lesser Town Bridge Tower. Malostranská mostecká věž).

프라하(Prague). 체코(Czech)


Muzeum hlavního města Prahy

소지구(Mala Strana) 방향에 위치한 탑으로 유디트(Judith)  다리(1170년 건설)의 일부가 남은 것으로 로마네스크 양식의 조각이 있는 작은 탑과, 1464년 건축된 고딕양식의 조각이 없는 큰 탑으로 이루어짐.

작은 탑은 로마네스크 양식으로 12세기에 건립, 현재의 르네상스 스타일은 1591년에 개축. 큰 탑은 1464년 축조된 파르레르의 후기 고딕 건축물로 구도시 교탑과 연계되어 축조. 두 탑 사이의 성문은 15세기 초에 축조.

The Lesser Town Bridge Tower situated on the Lesser Town bank of the River Vltava, the taller of the two towers is the youngest part of the Charles Bridge. After 1464, it was erected by George of Poděbrady, King of Bohemia, and it replaced the earlier Romanesque tower which had been built along with the smaller tower. It is reminiscent of the concept of Johann Parler’s Old Town Bridge Tower on the opposite end of the Charles Bridge and is a rare surviving example of the post-Hussite Gothic style in Prague. Along with the other towers, it guarded the entrance gate to the Lesser Town.

The tower was used as a storage and fire tower. It is 43.5 m high with a gallery situated 26 metres above the ground. Apparently, abundant sculptural decoration was originally planned but the niches for sculptures remained empty.

Today’s appearance of the tower dates between 1879 and 1883 when it was adjusted by architect Josef Mocker.