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에딘버러 성(Edinburgh castle) 안내. 에딘버러(Edinburgh) 본문

서유럽/영국 (United Kingdom)

에딘버러 성(Edinburgh castle) 안내. 에딘버러(Edinburgh)

세계속으로 2015. 7. 12. 09:58

에딘버러 성(Edinburgh castle) 안내.

에딘버러(Edinburgh). 스코틀랜드(Scotland)


1st century AD

High and Mighty

Tribal leaders exchange gifts with the Romans in their Hill-top stronghold.

This artist's impression was guided by expert opinions and excavated evidence from here and elsewhere


Local people built a great hill fort here as a defendable home and symbol of strength.

Shrewd diplomacy may have helped them avoid conflict with the Roman Army.


This exquisite Roman brooch could have been a diplomatic gift, a purchase or spoil from a raid worn by a rich local.




About 600 AD

Last Orders

Legendary warriors leave the hill fort to die in battle in England.

This artist's impression was quided by expert opinion, poetry and evidence from other sites. Y, Gododdin blurs fact and fiction in possibly the oldest surviving poetry from what is today Scotland.


Three hundred heroes rode to their doom after a year drinking in a hall on the castle rock. This story was told in the ancient verses of Y Gododdin, which includes the earlist mention of Din Eidyn or Edinburgh.



This comb may have belonged to a Gododdin warrior or one of the Northumbrians who conquered the kingdom in AD 638


About 1140

Great and Good

Scotland's leaders are ordered to assemble at King David's castle.


This artist's impression was guided by expert opinions, documentary sources and excavated evidence from this other site


The nation's most powerful men gathered at Edinburgh Castle to enact laws and pass judgements. David I's first recorded assembly of nobles and clergy here was a precursor to today's Parliament


This decorated arch is inside St Margaret's Chapel.

It was built by David I, whose mother was sanctified in 1250




Fighting for Freedom

Scotland soldiers scale the rock to retake the castle from the english.


This artist's impression was guided by expert opinions and excavated evidence from here and elsewhere


A small force of men loyal to King Robert the Bruce climbed the northern rockface in a night attack that overwhelmed the English defenders. The castle repeatedly changed hands during the Wars of Independence.


Guarding the drawbridge is a modern status of Robert the Bruce, victor of the Battle of Bannockburn.




The Big Gun

Crowds watch the arrival of the giant bombard Mons Meg.


This artist's impression was guided by expert opinions, documentary source and excavated evidence from here and elsewhere


The addition of this fearsome cannon to the arsenal of King James II declared Scotland to be a strong and confident kingdom. The weapon was a gift from the Duke of Burgundy and was kept safe in the castle.


The six-tonne cannon could fire a stone ball for two miles. It needed a team of eight oxen to move it around.




Birth of a King

The first King of both Scotland and England is born.


This artist's impression was guided by except opinion, portraits and documentary sources.


When Mary Queen of Scots was forced to abdicate in 1567, her only child became James VI of Scotland. In 1603, he inherited the English throne as James I, moved to England and returned to Scotland only once.



James VI was born in a small chamber in the Royal Palace,

where his birth is commemorated by this painted panel.




Reduced to rubble

Cannons smash the medieval defences in the lang siege.


This artist's impression was guided by expert opinions,

documentary source and excavated evidence from here and elsewhere


 Government forces besieged the castle for more than a year after the garrison declared support for the overthrown Mary Queen of Scots. The defenders surrendered after enduring intensive cannon fire. 


Heavy guns sent from England bombarded the castle for 13 days.

These cannon balls were discovered here by archaeologists.




Urban warfare

The castle's guns fire on Edinburgh during the Jacobite rising.


This artist's impression was guided by expert opinions and documentary evidence.


The garrison opened up on the city to drive out Jacobite soldiers who wanted to return a Stuart king to the throne. The castle remained in government hands and its cannons were never fired in anger again.

The Governor's House, to your right, was built just before the 1745 risings.

 It is used by the Army today.




National Treasure

The honours of Scotland are rediscovered.

This artist's impression was guided by expert opinions,

documentary evidence and contemporary images.


The state crown, sword and sceptre were found in a secure vault by Sir Walter Scott. His books and poems nurtured a passion for Scotland's heritage while his discovery helped turn the castle into a tourist attraction.


The Honours of Scotland were locked away after the Act of Union with England in 1707.

Later visitors paid a shilling to see them.


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