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Radcliffe Square. 옥스포드(Oxford) 본문
Radcliffe Square. 옥스포드(Oxford). 영국(England)
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Radcliffe Square
The historic heart of the University, the cobbled streets of Radcliffe Square have changed little in appearance since it replaced a jumble of little streets crammed with medieval houses.
The circular Radcliffe Camera ("camera" is the Latin word for room) was based on an idea by Nicholas Hawksmoor ultimately designed by James Gibbs and completed in 1749. The camera was built to house a library devoted to the sciences but is now a private reading room for the nearby Bodleian Library. The ground floor originally completed open was later enclosed and a bookstore created beneath the lawn.
Across the square, the Bodleian Library is not only the main research library for the University but has been a copyright library since 1610 and is used by scholars around the world. The oldest building of the library is Divinity School (1427-1488), which has a stunning vaulted stone ceiling and was built for the teaching of theology and for examinations, and more recently used as Hogwarts sanatorium in some Harry Potter films.
Plans for the Divinity School were extended to include a library on its upper floor when in the 1440s. Duke Humfrey of Gloucester, brother of King Henry V, bequeathed to the University his unrivalled collection of manuscripts. The building was completed in 1489, but after 60 years the collection was dispersed and the library left to decay. It was rescued and restored in 1598 by Sir Thomas Bodley.
The 13th century University Church of St. Mary the Virgin (behind the board) the "official" University church has been the focal point of many nationally important events. The climb to the roof provides a magnificent view revealing not only the layout of the city and many of the colleges but just how much green space there is in the heart of Oxford.
Did you know ?
Dr John Radcliffe was a distinguished physician who attended several monarchs and his bequests were used for the Radcliffe Camera, the infirmary and the Observatory that bear his name.
The Bodleian Library is not a lending library and even King Charles I when he was resident in Oxford during the Civil war, was refused permission to borrow a book.
The Bodleian Library is one of only 7 libraries entitled to receive a copy of every book published in the UK and stores over 7 million volumes on 180km of shelving.
That is over 110 miles !
Duke Humfrey's Library was used as Hogwarts Library in the Harry Potter films.
Well worth the climb, the University Church of St. Mary the Virgin has 127 steps but visitors are rewarded by superb panoramic views.
The 2 storey Congregation House at the foot fo the University Church of St. Mary the Virgin is the oldest existing university building in Europe (1320)
Michael Palin is a famous student of Brasenose College and the College has featured in several episodes of "Inspector Morse".
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Oxford Email : tic@oxford.gov.uk
OX1 3AS Tel : 01865 726871
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