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The Nelson Monument. 칼튼 힐(Calton Hill). 에딘버러(Edinburgh) 본문

서유럽/영국 (United Kingdom)

The Nelson Monument. 칼튼 힐(Calton Hill). 에딘버러(Edinburgh)

세계속으로 2015. 7. 12. 08:59

The Nelson Monument. 칼튼 힐(Calton Hill).

에딘버러(Edinburgh). 스코틀랜드(Scotland)


The Nelson Monument

Built: 1807-1816

Architect: Robert Burn


Rising over 30 metres high, the Nelson Monument commemorates the naval hero Admiral Horatio Nelson who died leading his fleet to victory at the Battle of Trafalgar on 21 October 1805.


The monument's up-ended telescope design is topped with a mechanised time-ball synchronised with the one o'clock gun fired from Edinburgh Castle. The time-ball dropped daily allowing ships in Leith Harbour to set their chronometers by it.


Every year on 21 October, the anniversary of Nelson's death, naval flags are flown from the Monument signalling his famous word: 'England expects every man to do his duty'.


Admiral Horatio Nelson, 1758-1805, by Lemuel Francis Abbott

Scotland National Portrait Gallery



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To the Memory of Vice-Admiral

Horatio Lord Viscount Nelson.

And of the great victory of Trafalgar

Too dearly purchased with his blood

The grateful citizens of Edinburgh

have erected the Monument:

Not to express their unavailing sorrow for his death:

Nor yet to celebrate the matchless glories of his life:

But, by his noble example, to teach their sons

to emulate what they admire, and, like him, when duty requires it,

to die for their country.









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