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체스터 대성당(Chester Cathedral)(3). 체스터(Chester) 본문

서유럽/영국 (United Kingdom)

체스터 대성당(Chester Cathedral)(3). 체스터(Chester)

세계속으로 2015. 7. 15. 15:03

체스터 대성당(Chester Cathedral)(3).

체스터(Chester). 영국(England)


가장 아름다운성당으로 해마다 백만 명이 넘는 사람이 찾아온다. 노르만 양식에서 후기 수직식, 고딕 등 다양한 건축양식으로 유명하다. 성당내부는 화려한 스테인드글라스가 인상적이지만 전반적인 분위기는 소박한 편이다. 기독교에게 신앙의 상징이었다.


Chester Cathedral





Thank you for visiting

Chester Cathedral



Chester Cathedral receives no regular funding from government or the diocese.


Your visit directly supports the maintenance of this magnificent Cathedral.


Here you may find space for peace and prayer.


Free access to Cathedral Shop and Refectomy Café.












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North Transept

Chester Cathedral was originally founded as a Benedictine monastery dedicated to St. Werburgh.


In 1902, Anselm, the future Archbishop of Canterbury, came to Chester at the invitation of Hugh Lupus, the first Norman Earl, to found the new monastery. Monks lived, worked and worshipped in this building for hundreds of years.


The monastery was dissolved by King Henry VIII in 1540 and monastic life ended. However, the Diocese of Chester was created in 1541, and rather than build a new cathedral for the new Bishop, the old monastery church was reconstituted as the new cathedral of the diocese.


The arch on the left is part of the original Norman church; it dates from about 1100, just after the foundation of the monastery and is the oldest part of the building still standing. It was built in the Romanesque style, so-called because it was designed in imitation of ancient Roman buildings.


In fact, the small columns up above are Roman. When the church was being built, there would still have been fragments of Roman buildings in the area and the masons have taken the Roman columns and re-used them. The arch you can see is approximately 1,000 years old but the little columns are about 2,000 years old; an example of eleventh century recycling!


Over the next 450 years the Romanesque church was gradually rebuilt in the Gothic style we see now. on the right you can see a Gothic arch dating from about 1300.


In proud memory of the officers

Non-commissioned officers and men of

the Cheshire (Earl of Chester's) Yeomanry

who gave their lives for their country

in the Great War 1939-1945












Age is a Crowne of Glory when it is found in the way or righteownes prov: 161 31

To the memory of that grave and worthy citizen Thomas Greene sometimes Mayor of this Cittie taken hence by a timely deathe in the prection of his age and vertues, for his integritie of life, curtesy, sobriety and facilitie of manners, his constant love unto his erends and bonnty to the poore

The executors of his last will and testament

have caused this monument to be erected

He had wives Ellen Daughter to Iohn Brascye gent and Dorothie Daughter to Iohn Dauenport

of cavecey Esq. by surviving theyme botie and having no issue by either he convayed the

inheritance of the howse wharin he dwelt to the intent that the yearly promots thearof

should for evere be imployed to divers good and charitable uses, To wich purpose also he

gave (In effect) his whole substance W divers legacies to his frends and kinsfolks and to

his brethren the aldermen of this citty. He was sheriffe here in the year of ovr Lord 1551

and Mayor 1565 and died the IX of Ivne 1602 in the 76 years of his age.