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Brick making. 로마 목욕탕(Roman Baths). 바스(Bath) 본문

서유럽/영국 (United Kingdom)

Brick making. 로마 목욕탕(Roman Baths). 바스(Bath)

세계속으로 2015. 7. 16. 14:05

Brick making. 로마 목욕탕(Roman Baths).

바스(Bath). 영국(England)


Brick making

Roman potters made these bricks from local clay. They were fired in large kilns and used for many different purposes in building the baths. Large numbers were made in this way. Brick making was a significant new industry brought to Britain by the Romans.



Floor bricks

Two bricks used for supporting floors in the heated rooms. one brick has the paw prints of a dog who ran over it as it dried before firing. These impressions suggest a large dog, weighing 30 kilograms and 70 centimetres tall.










Roof bricks

These flat bricks were often used in making walls, but here in Bath they were also used to strenghen vaulted roofs.












Hollow bricks

These formed the vault of the Great Bath and reduced its weight. It is estimated that over 20,000 were used in its construction.












Arch bricks

This was used in a small arch, perhaps over a corridor. The pattern was combed onto it before firing, to help the mortar stick to it.














Replica brick

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