프레디 머큐리 동상(Freddie Mercury Statue).
몽트뢰(Montreux). 스위스(Swiss)
Freddie Mercury
1946. 9. 5 ~ 1991. 11. 24
영국의 록 보컬리스트. 록 그룹 퀸(Queen)의 멤버로 프로그레시브 록·글램 록·하드 록·헤비메탈 등 다양한 장르의 록 음악을 구현했고, 4옥타브를 넘나드는 힘 있는 보컬과 라이브에서의 화려한 쇼맨십으로도 유명하다.
퀸의 멤버로 발표한 《어 나이트 앳 디 오페라(A Night At The Opera)》(1975)과
《더 게임(The Game)》(1980), 솔로로 발표한 《미스터 배드 가이(Mr. Bad Guy)》(1985) 등이 대표앨범으로 꼽힌다.
1978년 몽트뢰의 재즈페스티발에 퀸 멤버와 함께 앨범 "Jazz"를 녹음한 이후에 몽트뢰와 즈네브의 호수에 반하여 이곳에 정착하게 됩니다.
그는 "If you want peace of mind, come to Montreux" 라고 말할 정도로 몽트뢰 지역을
그와 퀸의 마지막 앨범인 "Heaven of Everyone" ("Made in Heaven")을 이곳 "Mountain Studio“에서 작업을 했습니다.
이런 부분을 기념하기 위하여 몽트뢰에 프레디머큐리 동상이 1996년에 호수가에 세워졌습니다.
Montreux as a cultural town has welcomed many celebrities over the years.
One of them, the English rock band QUEEN with its lead singer Freddie Mercury.
Freddie loved the Riviera and actually bought an apartment there and recorded many songs in the famous former Mountain Studios. The sound engineer was David Richards.
It has been 26 years that Jacky Smith, a dynamic and wholehearted fan presides over the Queen fan club in England. This association, established in 1974 in London, has got more than 6000 members not only in UK but also worldwide.
In 1996, the fan club was been in the debates regarding the creation of Freddie Mercury’s statue. The process was unsuccessful in London and Queen members, with Jim Beach, decided to offer it to Montreux with the result we all know. So, together with the studios, Freddie’s apartment close to Territet and the “Lake House”, the statue has brought Montreux into the spotlight for all Queen and Freddie fans.
When she first came to Montreux, the year after the unveiling of the statue, Jacky Smith fell in love with this region even though it was winter. So she decided to organize, for her fans, week-end trips from England. The first one was on September 2nd 1997.
Now, montreuxmusic.com has taken over in the same spirit.
The history of the Statue
The Swiss city of Montreux, world famous for its International Jazz Festival, has given a spectacular lakeside site for a statue to provide a permanent memorial to the late, great, Freddie Mercury.
The Freddie Mercury statue, commissioned by the remaining three members of QUEEN and his family and friends, has been sculptured by the Czechoslovakian sculptor Irena Sedlecka, Irena was a Laureate of the State in the early 50’s and, now living in London, is a fellow of the Royal Society of British Sculptors and a Member of the Society of Portrait Sculptors.
In the latter days of his life, as he fought against AIDS, Montreux became a haven and second home to Freddie Mercury. He lost his battle against AIDS shortly after his 45th birthday on the 24th of November, 1991, but not before writing and recording his final work with fellow QUEEN members John Deacon, Brian May & Roger Taylor in their Mountain Recording Studios in Montreux.
The unveiling of the statue, at 15:00 hrs on November 25th, was carried out by opera legend Montserrat Caballe, with whom Freddie recorded his famous song, “Barcelona”, and who became a lasting friend. Among those attending the inauguration were Freddie’s parents Mr. and Mrs. Bomi Bulsara, his sister Kashmira, together with her husband Roger Cooke, Claude Nobs (Montreux Jazz Festival), Brian May and Roger Taylor.
Positioned on the shores of Lake Geneva, sharing the same view Freddie enjoyed from his lakeside home, the Freddie Mercury statue stands as a magnificent and lasting tribute to a man who will always have a place in the memory of countless millions across the globe
Inauguration of Freddie's Statue :
Some 18 years after Freddie Mercury’s first visit to Montreux and almost 5 years to the day since his death, we today celebrate his memory by inaugurating a statue in his honour.
Ladies and Gentlemen who have accepted our invitation, on behalf of the commune of Montreux, I wish you a most cordial welcome.
Whilst initially, London was to be the siting of this statue, this great honour falls on Montreux and I therefore want to express our gratitude to the initiators of this event, the echo of which we hope will resound throughout the world.
Through the years many artists - writers, painters, sculptors and musicians - seduced by the breathtaking scenery of Montreux and its surroundings, have lived here and created memorable works, many of them recognised throughout the world. As a result, Montreux has quite naturally established itself as a centre of the arts. Thanks to the Montreux Jazz Festival, the Festival of Music Montreux/Vevey and the Golden Rose of Montreux the town has become known throughout the world for it’s involvement with music and the visual arts.
Freddie Mercury, lead singer of QUEEN, was also charmed by this small resort on the shores of Lake Geneva. After the phenomenal success of the group’s previous albums, it was here at Mountain Studios that they recorded their first album abroad, "Jazz".
Probably better than I can, Brian May, Roger Taylor and John Deacon - the remaining members of QUEEN - could retrace the career of Freddie Mercury, an artist who, early in his career was to establish himself as one of the greatest rock singers of our time becoming known to his peers as in innovator and an ambassador in this field of music. His departure without doubt marked the end of an era.
Happily for Freddie’s fans his recordings remain. And for Montreux, this statue, sculpted by the talented Mrs Irena Sedlecka, will commemorate his enduring presence through the years to come. I particularly wish to express my deepest appreciation to Mrs Sedlecka for succeeding in capturing so faithfully the look and style of Freddie which we see before us today. Irena Sedlecka, born in Czechoslovakia, became a Laureate of the State and now living in London is a member of the Royal Society of British Sculptors. To date she has immortalised a large number of artists and personalities.
Together witt QUEEN, the Municipality of Montreux chose this popular tourist site because of Freddie’s fondness for the lake. He appreciated the kindness and discretion of the town’s people and for him it became a haven during his time here. And for Freddie it gave him inspiration during his final days; many of Freddie’s last recordings were made here and in fact his last song "A Winter’s Tale" is a dedication to the peace and contentment he found in Montreux.
It’s our wish that this statue will stand as a permanent symbol of a man who enjoyed life to the full and be there to remind all those who knew and love him that he will be forever present in our minds and hearts
I will now call on Mr Brian May to say a few words and he in turn will present opera legend, Montserrat Caballe with whom Freddie Mercury recorded "Barcelona", the song that was to become the theme of the Olympic Games of 1992.
Découvrez avec nous
"Hîer et Aujourd'hui"
Discover the "Belle Epoque" Montreux and its old town in a 2 hours walking tour with an enthusiastic guide
Until September
Meeting place : Wednesday to Saturday at 10 a.m
With reservation at:
the day before
Les Guides d'Accueil de Montreux
John Deacon, Brian May, Freddie Mercury and Roger Taylor
in front of Montreux Casino