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Tunnelbohrmaschine (Bohrkopf der Gripper). 루체른(Luzern) 본문

서유럽/스위스 (Swiss)

Tunnelbohrmaschine (Bohrkopf der Gripper). 루체른(Luzern)

세계속으로 2016. 7. 4. 19:08

Tunnelbohrmaschine (Bohrkopf der Gripper).

루체른(Luzern). 스위스(Swiss)



Bohrkopf der Gripper - Tunnelbohrmaschine S-2101



 9,43 m 


 6 U/min 


 > 6,000 kNm 




 Herrenknecht AG,

 Schwanau, Deutschland 


 2006; in Betrieb 2007-2010 


 bis 38 m/Tag 

 Betrieb TBM: 

 320 Tage/Jahr, 17 Mann/Schicht 

 Belegschaft Bodio-Faido: 

 bis 1,200 Personen 

 Ausführung Tunnelbau: 

 Consorzio TAT

 unter Federführung von Implenia 





Erstfeld - Amsteg - Sedrun - <Gotthard-Basistunnel> - Faido - Bodio


The Gotthard Base Tunnel comprises two 57-kilometer single-track tubes. They are interconnected every 325 meters with cross passages. Including all of the connecting and access tunnels and shafts, the entire tunnel system is more than 150 kilometers in length.


The gripper tunnel boring machine (TBM) braces the gripper plates <1> laterally against the tunnel wall enabling the thrust cylinders <2> to push the rotating cutterhead <3> forward.

The TBM operator drives the machine from the control cabin <4> and monitors tunnelling.

A belt conveyor <5> integrated in the TBM transports the excavated material toward the rear.