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바트나요쿨국립공원(Vatnajökull National Park) 안내. 아이슬란드(Iceland) 본문


바트나요쿨국립공원(Vatnajökull National Park) 안내. 아이슬란드(Iceland)

세계속으로 2017. 7. 18. 09:16

바트나요쿨 국립공원 안내

(Vatnajökull National Park. Vatnajökulsþjóðgarður).


Welcome to the west territory of Vatnajökull National Park


About the park

Vatnajökull National Park cover about 14,000 ㎢. The park, centred round the ice cap, has some of the world's most active volcanoes. Natural disasters have shaped huma life, and the interplay of eruptions, glaciers and meltwater has created this unique and dynamic nature. Global warming is causing rapid changes in the ice cap with unforeseeable consequences.

Vatnajökull National Park - West Territory

The west territory of the national park contains areas of pristine wilderness and unique geological formations, created by volcanic eruptions on long fissures, forming surface features such as hyaloclastite ridges and crator rows. Kirkjubæjarklaustur is the administrative centre of this part of the park. Park rangers are located in Skaftárstofa visitor centre here in Kirkjubæjarkaustur and in the service areas in Blágil, Laki, Hólaskjól, Eldgjá, Langisjór, Hrauneyjar and Nýidalur during the summer. All roads are mountain tracks, only navigable for four-wheel-drive jeeps.

Langisjór (Lake Langisjór)

Eldgjá (Eldgjá Fissure)

Lakagígar (Laki Craters)