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The mother's garden(Mæðragarður). 레이캬비크(Reykjavik). 아이슬란드(Iceland) 본문


The mother's garden(Mæðragarður). 레이캬비크(Reykjavik). 아이슬란드(Iceland)

세계속으로 2017. 7. 16. 17:22

The mother's garden(Mæðragarður).

레이캬비크(Reykjavik). 아이슬란드(Iceland)

As its name implies, the Mother's Garden, opened in 1925, was primarily intended for mothers with their children. It had previously been a patch of uncultivated land. It was part of the estate of the Skálholtskot croft, located at what is now Laufásvegur 13-17, an outlying property belonging to Reykjavik farm estate. In the grass field which now is the Mother's Garden was a spring, known as the Skálholt Spring, whose water was said to be unusually fresh and wholesome. The widening of Laekjargata in 1950 encroached on the Garden

"Blessed be the little fingers / of my mother / that picked cottongrass in the march"

Vilborg Dagbjartsdóttir: From Candlemass

Motherly Love, a sculpture by Nína Sæmundsson, was installed on the site of teh Skálholt Spring in 1930. It was the first sculpture by a woman to be erected in Reykjavik and the first public sculpture that was not a memorial or portrait, but an autonomous work of art. It is at once simple and poetic , embedded with an intimacy that fits the subject. Sæmundsson made Motherly Love in Paris in 1924 and submitted it for the fall exhibition at the Salon d'Automne at the Grand Palais, for which she received rave reviews and honourable mentiion under the French flag.