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브뤼헤의 종탑(Belfort van Brugge). 브뤼헤(Brugge) 본문


브뤼헤의 종탑(Belfort van Brugge). 브뤼헤(Brugge)

세계속으로 2018. 7. 24. 14:25

브뤼헤의 종탑(Belfort van Brugge ).

브뤼헤(Brugge). 벨기에(Belgium)

마르크트 광장 남쪽에 위치.


▶ Carilloneur's room

▶ Great bell

▶ Stone floor

▶ Entrance


Carilloneur's room


Great bell

Drum room

Stone floor




▶ Panorama

▶ Drum room

▶ Treasury

Belfort & Stadshallen (Belfry and hall)

The Bruges belfry is part of an impressive thirteenth-century halls building. In the Middle Ages the hall was used for storing and displaying the much-coveted Flemish cloth, as well as other goods. Today the former sales hall is used for organising events, exhibitions and trade fairs.

In its present form, the 83-metre high belfry is made up of three building layers. The bottom two square sections in brick were built during the thirteenth century. The top, octagonal lantern tower in Brabant limestone was built between 1481 and 1486

Belfries, world heritage

Belfries are typically found in Flandersm, Northern France and in parts of Wallonia, in the south of Belgium. UNESCO recognised the exceptional universal value of the belfries in 1999 by including 32 Flemish and Walloon belfries on its world heritage list. In 2005 the belfry of Gemblous in Wallonia and 23 belfries in Northern France were also added.

With this recognition UNESCO wishes to mainly draw attention to the symbolic significance of the belfries as testimonials of the prosperous and autonomous late-medieval cities in this region.

First floor

1. Belfort

4. Georges Rodenbachzaal

5. Hendrik Pickeryzaal

6. Joris Dumeryzaal

7. Marcus Gerardszaal

Ground floor

1. Belfort

2. Garemijnzaal

3. Adorneszaal


9:30 ~ 18:00

Tickets till 17:00

For security reasons we can accept only a limited number of visitors at the same time in the tower. For that reason it might be possible that you will have to wait for a while.

Thank you for your understanding.

The ascent of the tower with its 366 steps and narrow and steep passage requires a significant physical effort. Please wear the right shoes.

Children under the age of 12 years must be accompanied by an adult.

Carillon Concerts

Throughout the year on Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday at 11 a.m. and from mid-June to mid-September, also on Monday and Wednesday at 9 p.m.

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