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오줌싸개 동상(Manneken Pis). 브뤼셀(Brussels. Bruxelles) 본문
오줌싸개 동상(Manneken Pis). 브뤼셀(Brussels). 벨기에(Belgium)
1619년 조각가인 제롬 뒤케누아(Jerôme Duquesnoy. 1602.5.8~1654.9.28)가 만든 60cm 정도 크기의 청동상이다.
브뤼셀의 상징이라고 할 수 있으며, 꼬마 줄리앙(Le Petit Julien. Julian)이라는 애칭으로 불리운다.
1745년 영국에 약탈당하였다가 다시 1817년 도난당하고 조각나는 수난을 겪었다.
가끔 이 동상이 세계 각국에서 선물 받은 옷을 입고 있는 모습을 보여 주기도 하는데, 그 유래는 프랑스의 루이 15세가 약탈해 갔던 이 동상을 돌려주면서 사과하는 의미로 프랑스 후작의 의상을 입혀서 보낸 것이라 한다. 1698년 네덜란드 총독을 시작으로 브뤼셀을 방문할 때 국빈들이 오줌싸개 동상의 의상을 선물로 가져오는 것이 관례처럼 되었고, 한국에서 선물한 도령 한복(4종)을 포함하여 각국에서 선물받은 의상이 약 700벌 가량 된다.
이 의상들은 왕의 집(Musée de la ville de Bruxelles. Maison du Roi) 3층에 전시되어 있다.
현재 동상은 복제본이며, 1960년대에 누군가 훔쳐 갔다고 한다.
오줌싸개 동상에 얽힌 전설
1. 어린 소년이 마녀가 살고 있는 집 앞에 오줌을 싸 그녀가 너무 화가 나서 소년을 동상으로 만들어 버렸다는 것
2. 프랑스군이 브뤼셀에 불을 질렀을 때 한 소년이 오줌으로 불을 껐다.
The famous Manneken-Pis remains the emblem of the rebellious spirit of the City of Brussels. His wardrobe counts more than 900 suits.
History of Manneken-Pis
Manneken-Pis was at first a fountain that played an essential role in the former distribution of drinking water since the 15th century. The system was well-known in all of Europe.
Towards the end of the 17th century, the statue became more and more important in the city life. It was also a survivor of the bombardment of Brussels in 1695. Manneken-Pis became a precious good and enjoys a ceaselessly growing glory.
During big events, we adorn him with luxurious clothes. We know that in the 18th century, Manneken-Pis was dressed at least 4 times a year. Since he lost his main function in the network of water conveyance of the City in the 19th century, Manneken-Pis gradually became an image and symbol of the Brussels folklore, the joy of the inhabitants and their capacity of self-mockery.
Dressings of Manneken-Pis
Manneken-Pis is dressed by an employee of the City. 23 dressings are planned on fixed dates and Manneken-Pis regularly receives new suits.
Next video of a dressing of Manneken-Pis contains comments and texts in French:
Procedure of a gift
For every gift, an official demand must be sent to the Board of Mayor and Aldermen. This demand is analyzed by a committee of members of the Friends of the Order of Manneken-Pis and the representatives of the City of Brussels.
New costumes cannot have an advertising, commercial, political or religious character. After the agreement of the Board, an official ceremony of delivery is organized and in certain occasions, Manneken-Pis thanks the people by producing beer or other beverages. The new suit joins the wardrobe in the Museum of the City of Brussels
Wardrobe Manneken-Pis
The wardrobe of Manneken-Pis (at the Rue du Chêne 19) has more than 900 costumes:
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