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국립 오르골 박물관(Museum Speelklok)(2). 위트레흐트(Utrecht) 본문


국립 오르골 박물관(Museum Speelklok)(2). 위트레흐트(Utrecht)

세계속으로 2018. 7. 26. 09:58

국립 오르골 박물관(Museum Speelklok)(2).

위트레흐트(Utrecht). 네덜란드(Netherland)

Koffiedrinkende Morlaan


maker onbekend. plaats van vervaardiging onbekend. ca. 1900

Organ Figure

maker unknown. place of manufacture unknown. ca 1900


Schwarzwalder Flötenuhr, Sigmund Dufner, Furtwangen, Black Forest, Germany, ca. 1850

This clockwork with organ and automata stood on top of a cabinet. The dial is removed to make the whole object more visible. Every whole hour it plays one of the ten melodies, and the figures with their wind instruments turn back and forth. These clocks, mostly made out of wood, were produced in The Black Forest in Germany. This Flötenuhr now plays on a coin system.

Steinway Duo Art Reproductievleugel

Steinway Duo Art Reproducing Grand Piano

Steinway & Sons / The Aeolian Company. New York (United States). 1924

This piano takes you back to the Roaring Twenties ! The Duo-Art system used here recorded the piano music from those days with utmost precision on a paper roll. To achieve this, the pianist used a special recording piano. It was connected to a marvellous perforating machine that could punch up to 4,000 holes in the paper per minute ! Everything played on the recording piano was duly recorded. For a dynamic effect, the accented notes were also recorded to a certain extent.