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Moses and Pharaoh's Crown. 마우리츠하위스(Mauritshuis). 덴하그(Den Haag, 헤이그:Hague) 본문


Moses and Pharaoh's Crown. 마우리츠하위스(Mauritshuis). 덴하그(Den Haag, 헤이그:Hague)

세계속으로 2018. 7. 23. 14:17

Moses and Pharaoh's Crown. 마우리츠하위스(Mauritshuis).

덴하그(Den Haag, 헤이그:Hague). 네덜란드(Netherland)

  • Jan Steen
  • Moses and Pharaoh's Crown
  • c. 1670

  • Steen only painted a couple of religious scenes – and this is one of them. The story is about Moses who, as a child, is seen by the pharaoh’s counsellors as a threat to Egypt. They test the toddler by making him choose between gold and a dish of glowing coals. In his innocence, Moses picks up a coal and burns himself.


    Steen depicted the story as a farce, focusing on the annoyance of the pharaoh and the crying toddler, who turns to his foster mother for comfort.