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검은교회(Biserica Neagră). 브라쇼브(Brașov) 본문
검은교회(Biserica Neagră). 브라쇼브(
). 루마니아(Romania)
1385년부터 1477년에 지어진 검은교회는 브라소브(Brasov)의 상징적인 건축물로, 전형적인 독일식 고딕 양식 교회라고 불린다.
루마니아에서 가장 큰 고딕 건축물로도 잘 알려져 있다.
처음 건축이 되었을 때는 검은색이 아니었지만, 1689년 오스트리아 합스부르크군의 공격을 받고 발생한 화재로 교회 외관이 검게 그을려진 후에 검은 교회라고 불리게 되었다.
화재 이후 재건에 무려 100년 가까이 걸렸는데 재건을 통해 내부 장식이 초기와 달리 바로크풍으로 바뀌고, 두 개의 탑이 추가되었다. 이때 만들어진 탑이 지금의 종탑이다. 종탑에는 루마니아에서 가장 큰 종이 보관되어 있다. 종의 무게는 무려 6톤이나 된다고 한다.
내부에는 터키에서 수집한 양탄자와 17-18세기에 수집한 중요한 문화재와 1839년에 만들어진 4000여개의 파이프가 있는 오르간이 있다.
현재는 루터교 교회인 개신교 교회건물로 독일어로 예배를 하고 내부는 사진촬영이 금지이다. 입장료가 있으며, 교회는 오전 10시부터 오후 3시 30분까지 개방한다.
The parochial church Saint Mary within „Brasov’s Stronghold” has been erected presumably starting with 1383, following the initiative of the priest Thomas Sander, on the spot of an ancient halidom. The structure, which was given the name The Black Church after the big fire of 1689, is the most representative gothic monument of this part of Europe. The homogenous conception of the architecture and sculpture church’s chorus – the ancient part of the monument -, with statues of saints decorating the arched buttress, pertains to the Central-European typology of the constructions specific to Parler’s stone masons family.
The construction of the church, interrupted by the Turkish invasion of 1421, has been resumed towards the mid-XVth century, when it was erected the hall-like construction with three aisles, lateral stands and two towers on the west side, of which only the southern one overpasses the building’s height. During this phase there have been also built the five portals of carved stone, created by the stone masons brought from the building yard of Saint Elisabeth Church of Košice (Slovakia), the western one being considered a reference of the late Gothic of the South-Eastern Europe. In the tympanum of the south-eastern access is conserved the image of Virgin Mary with the Child, between Saint Catherine and Saint Barbara, a masterpiece of art of King Mathias Corvinul’s epoch (1458-1490), whom coat of arms is conserved in the inferior part of the representation, near the blazonry of his wife, Beatrix of Aragon. The painting is protected by a threshold which wooden door bears the inscription 1477, the year marking the conclusion of the works on the building yard.
After the devastating fire of 1689, the interior of the Black Church has been rebuilt in Baroque style; this is how there were achieved the arches, the lateral stands with arcades richly adorned with sculptures, the painted wooden pulpit and choirs pertaining to the artisans’ guilds.
The church also conserves in the choir, the aisle and outside, above the south-western access, fragments of mural medieval paintings; its inventory includes the bronze baptistery in Gothic style, ordered by the parson priest Johannes Reudel at Sighișoara (1472), panels of the altar of Feldioara, signed Jonas Norembergensis (1495), the big pipe organ (1839), the little pipe organ (1861) and the most important collection of Oriental carpets of Europe outside the Turkish borders.
Honterus 1498-1549
요하네스 혼테루스
Monument to Johannes Honterus
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