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로마원형극장(Ancient Theater of Philippopolis). 플로브디프(Plovdiv) 본문
로마원형극장(Ancient Theater of Philippopolis). 플로브디프(Plovdiv)
세계속으로 2019. 5. 31. 11:17로마원형극장(Ancient Theater of Philippopolis).
플로브디프(Plovdiv). 불가리아(Bulgaria)
이 원형극장은 세 언덕의 남쪽 경사면에 있는데, 최근 발견된 비문에 의하면 이 극장은 트라야누스(Traianus, 98-117) 황제 통치기간인 1세기에 건축된 것이다.
7천명을 수용하는 28열의 좌석에는 지역 도시 이름들이 새겨져 있었다.
직경 26.64m 의 무대와 조각으로 장식된 3층 무대(스케네, Scene)는 극장 남쪽에 있고 로도피 산이 조망되는 잠바즈 테페(Jambaz Tepe) 남경사면에 잇어서 시내을 조망하기에 아주 좋다.
이 극장은 1968년 일어난 산사태로 발견되어 1984년 복원되었으며, 지금은 오페라,콘서트 등의 다양한 공연들이 열리며, 매년 6우러부터 7-8월까지 오페라 페스티발(Opera open)도 개최된다.
플로브디프는 남북을 연결하는 도로를 개설하면서 언덕 위에 있는 로마원형극장을 보존하기 위하여 유적 아래에 터널을 뚫어서 교통과 문화재 보존문제를 동시에 해결하였다.
Ancient Theatre of Philipoppol
Like all major cities within the Roman Empire, Philipopolis also had its own theatre. It was built in the 1st century, during the reign of Emperor Domitian. A testimony to this is an inscription found under the statue of Titus Flavius Cotis, the first person in charge of Philippopolis, an aristocrat and heir othe Thracian Royal Dynasty.
Situated in the natural saddle between Taksim Tepe and Dzhambaz Tepe on the Three Hills the Ancient Theatre is the dominant nucleus in the structure of Philipoppol throughout the Antiquity. Its architectural design, conforming to the configuration of the terrain, carriers features inherent in the theatre constructions in the Hellenistic centers along the Aegean coast of Asia Minor.
The main compositional elements of the theatre are cavea (theatron, auditorium), orchestra (stage) and stage building (scene), developed in full symmetry around the main composition axis in the north-south direction.
The open auditorium (theatron) has 28 concentric rows of marble seats accessible throughout the radially intersected stairs. It is divided into two rings from a circular trail - diasoma. The access to the building is through three entrance with arched passage. on the northern entrance there was a lodge with seats for prominent representatives of the administrative power.
The orchestra has the shape of a horseshoe with a diameter of the semicircular arc of 26.64m. From the southern side a stage building (scene) is situated. The scene has an elongated three-story hull, decorated with porticos with statues. The facades at its eastern and western end are shaped to the cavea with two-storey fout-column porticos in Ionic order crowned by triangular gables.
Like all the theatres throughout the Roman Empire, the honorary seats of the theatre in Philippopolis were labeled. The discovered honorary inscriptions show that the theatre was used as a seat of the Thracian provincial Assembly (Koinon). It was also a seat for the National Representation - Demos.
The Ancient Theatre was used until the 5th century, when it was destroyed by fire of earthquake. It was discovered during archaeological excavations carried out between 1968 and 1979 by Plovdiv archaeologists. Thanks to its restoration, recognized as one of the best achievements of the Bulgarian Conservation School, it was restored in the early 1980s.
In 1995, the Ancient Theatre of Philipoppol was declared an archeological cultural monument of national importance.
로마원형극장 입구
Faculty of Biology, University of Plovdiv ▲
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