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황금의 탑(Torre del Oro). 세비야(Sevilla) 본문
황금의 탑(Torre del Oro). 세비야(Sevilla). 스페인(Spain)
세비야를 가로지르는 과달키비르 강에 인접해 있는 12각형의 탑은 이슬람교도가 건설할 당시에는 탑 위가 황금색의 타일로 덮여 있었기 때문에 황금의 탑이라고 불렀다. 현재는 황금색은 찾아볼 수가 없지만 과거의 이름을 그대로 사용하고 있다. 황금의 탑은 처음에 강으로 침입하는 기독교도들을 막기위해서 이슬람교들이 강을 통과하는 배를 검문하기 위해 세워졌으며 강 건너편에 있던 8각형의 은색 탑과의 사이에 쇠줄을 매어 놓고 통행하는 배를 검문했다. 이슬람과 기독교간의 전쟁의 역사를 그대로 간직하고 있는 세비야의 상징적인 건물이며 1755년 리스본 대지진으로 탑이 파괴되어 헐릴 위기에 처해 있었으나 시민들의 반대로 소생되었고, 이 곳에서 마젤란이 세계일주 항해를 떠났다는 인연으로 지금은 해양박물관으로 사용하고 있다.
The Golden Tower was the last major building that the Muslims constructed in Seville. It was built around 1220. The Golden Tower was the last major building that the Muslims constructed in Seville. It was built around 1220, in the times of Yusuf II, when the Almohad Empire was in decline after their defeat by the Christians at Navas de Tolosa in1212. Designed as an outer defensive tower to protect the port to the south of the city, it formed the end of a coracha, a fortified structure which provided access to the river. on the opposite bank, stood another tower which has not survived. The towers were linked by a thick chain which prevented ships from entering or leaving the port without authorisation. The chain was broken by Admiral Bonifaz’ ship in 1248 during the siege of the city. In 1830, in the times of Governor Arjona, the demolition of the coracha meant that the tower was left to stand alone. After being used for many purposes over the years (it served as a chapel, prison, gunpowder warehouse, post office), the tower now houses the Maritime Museum. According to chronicler Ortiz de Zúñiga it was named “golden” because its walls were covered with gilded tiles, although others maintain that the name referred to the fact that the tower was used to store valuable objects. After its restoration in 2005, it is believed that the name might derive from the golden tone given from the plaster composed of mortar, lime and straw. The small turret crowning the tower was added in 1760 and was designed by Sebastián van der Borcht under Governor Ramón Larumbe (1760-1767).
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