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박물관(Museu de la Sagrada familia). 성가족성당, 바르셀로나(Barcelona) 본문

지중해/스페인 (Spain)

박물관(Museu de la Sagrada familia). 성가족성당, 바르셀로나(Barcelona)

세계속으로 2010. 7. 8. 12:30

박물관(Museu de la Sagrada familia). 성가족성당.

바르셀로나(Barcelona). 스페인(Spain)




















The Sculptures of Josep Maria Subirachs of the Passion Facade

The Flagellation, the first figure, is placed in 1987. The facade is conceived as an altarpiece made of sotne that porposes a sequential reading of the episodes of the two last days of Jesus' life. These are the fourteen stations of the Via Crucis, organised following an ascendant S that culminates in the Ascension of Jesus Christ.


Josep Maria Subirachs

Narrative sketch of the Passion Facade





Passion Facade

The west Facade is dedicted to the passion, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. His conception responds to Antoni Gaudi's project started in 1911.

This facade descirbes with austerity and hardness the pain of the death of Jesus Christ, in contrast to the optimism and vitality that emanates from the decorative exuberance of the Nativity Facade.


Antoni Gaudi

Passion Facade. Definitive study



Josep Maria Subirachs

(Barcelona, 1927)

In 1987 Josep Maria Subirachs takes up residence in the Temple of the Sagrada Familia and undertakes the project with an expressionism style that lets him give expression to the drama of the incidents with all the itensity.

His contribution to the Temple is integrative and at the same time peculiar, as it belongs to an artist with a strong personality and a well recognized career in the world of ars.


The Cryptogram invented by Josep Maria Subirachs is a board with multiple combinations of numbers that always add up to 33. the age of Christ in the moment of his death.

There are two numbers repeated, 10 and 14, if they are added together the sum is 48, the same result as the addition of the letters of INRI(Iesus Nazarenum Rex Iudorem) according to the numerical order of the Latin alphabet.


 9  13  17
 I  N  R
 9+9  +13  +17=48












of the Church of the Colonia Guell


in the Diocesan Museum of Barcelona


















Casa Vicens





Cronologia del Temple Expiatori de la Sagrada Familia

1866 Josep M. Bocabella funda la Asociacion de Devotos de San Jose, que sera la promotora

        del Templeo

1874 Se publica por primera vez la idea de construccion de un templo en "El Progagador de

        la Devocion a San Jose"

1882 Colocacion de la primera piedra. Primer proyecto a cargo del arquitecto Francesc de

        Paula del Villar

        First stone was laid. Project drawn up by the architect Villar

1883 Antoni Gaudi pasa a ser el arquitecto del Temple

1889 Terminacion de la cripta

        Construction of the crypt completed

1890 Dibujo de la primera solucion de conjunto del templo

        Drawings of the first overall design solution

1892 Se inicia la fachada del Nacimiento

        Work begins on the Nativity facade

1894 Se concluye la fachada del abside

        Construction of the apse walls is completed.

1899 Finalizacion del portal del Rosario en el claustro del Nacimiento

        Rosary door in the cloister completed

1909 Edificio de la escuela parroquial

       Parish school built.

1910 Exposicion en Paris de la maqueta de la fachada del Nacimiento

1917 Proyecto de la fachada de la Pasion, con el monumento al obispo Torres i Bages

1923 Solucion definitiva de las naves y cubiertas del templo en modelos de yeso a escala

        1:10 y 1:25

1925 30 de noviembre. Terminacion del primer campanario (San Bernabe) de 100mts. de

        altura de la fachada del Nacimiento

1926 Antoni Gaudi muere de accidente el 10 de junio

       Gaudi's death by an accident on 10th June

1930 Terminacion de los cuatro campanarios de la fachada del Nacimiento

        The four bell towers of the Nativity facade completed.

1936 Guerra Civil. Profanacion y destrozos del Templo. Destruccion del estudio de Gaudi

        Spanish Civil War.

1940 Restauracion de la cripta y de los modelos en yeso

        Restoration of the crypt and plaster

1954 Inicio de la fachada de la Pasion

        Work begins on the Passion Facade

1977 Teminacion de los cuatro campanarios de la fachada de la Pasion

        Completion of the four bell tower of the Passion facade

1978 Inicio de las fachadas de las naves

        Construction of the nave walls start.

1936-90 Cimentacion de las naves.

             Primeras esculturas de la fachada de la Pasion

             Foundations of the naves construction.

             First sculptures installed on the Passion Facade

1993 Cantorias de las naves laterales

        Aisle choir

1996 Bovedas de las naves laterales

        Aisle vaults

2000 Construccion de las bovedas de la nave central, bovedas del transepto y cimentacion

        de la fachada de la Gloria

2001 Construccion del ventanal central de la fachada de la Pasion, vidriera de la Resurreccion

        y las cuatro columnas del centro del crucero







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